
Terraform Module for QuakeJS servers on GCP.

Quake JS Screen Shot

Bootstrap a brand new GCP project using gcloud

I created a project named quakejs-server using the following command (you will need to use a different project name):

$ bash setup_gcp.sh quakejs-server

Use Generated account.json

$ export GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=$(realpath account.json)
$ export GOOGLE_PROJECT="quakejs-server"

Build Infrastructure

$ terraform init
$ terraform plan -var="project=quakejs-server"
$ terraform apply -var="project=quakejs-server"
Apply complete! Resources: 8 added, 0 changed, 0 destroyed.


public_ip = W.X.Y.Z

Note: The public_ip will be your server's public IP to share with friends. Just put it in your browser, and you'll be frag'n like it's 1999!

Destroy Infrastructure

$ terraform destroy -var="project=quakejs-server"