Bicep code to handle schedules and runbooks in an automation account
PS /Users/eskillarsen/automation-account-demo> azcopy sync ./src/runbooks/ '' --recursive > /dev/null
PS /Users/eskillarsen/automation-account-demo> cat /Users/eskillarsen/.azcopy/16ffa5a2-c0be-4a43-76e0-bd2ea675aa28-scanning.log
2024/08/16 13:00:57 AzcopyVersion 10.26.0
2024/08/16 13:00:57 OS-Environment darwin
2024/08/16 13:00:57 OS-Architecture arm64
2024/08/16 13:00:57 Log times are in UTC. Local time is 16 Aug 2024 15:00:57
2024/08/16 13:00:58 ==> REQUEST/RESPONSE (Try=1/32.973083ms, OpTime=129.013125ms) -- RESPONSE SUCCESSFULLY RECEIVED
X-Ms-Request-Id: [d61167ff-901e-006c-72dc-ef94b3000000]
2024/08/16 13:00:58 File runbook1.ps1 was overwritten because the source is more recent than the destination
2024/08/16 13:00:58 File runbook2.ps1 was skipped because the source has an older LMT than the destination
2024/08/16 13:00:59 Closing Log
PS /Users/eskillarsen/automation-account-demo> cat /Users/eskillarsen/.azcopy/16ffa5a2-c0be-4a43-76e0-bd2ea675aa28.log
2024/08/16 13:00:57 AzcopyVersion 10.26.0
2024/08/16 13:00:57 OS-Environment darwin
2024/08/16 13:00:57 OS-Architecture arm64
2024/08/16 13:00:57 Log times are in UTC. Local time is 16 Aug 2024 15:00:57
2024/08/16 13:00:57 ISO 8601 START TIME: to copy files that changed before or after this job started, use the parameter --include-before=2024-08-16T13:00:52Z or --include-after=2024-08-16T13:00:52Z
2024/08/16 13:00:57 Authenticating to destination using Azure AD
2024/08/16 13:00:57 Any empty folders will not be processed, because source and/or destination doesn't have full folder support
2024/08/16 13:00:58 Job-Command sync ./src/runbooks/ --recursive
2024/08/16 13:00:58 Number of CPUs: 69
2024/08/16 13:00:58 Max file buffer RAM 0.420 GB
2024/08/16 13:00:58 Max concurrent network operations: 176 (Based on number of CPUs. Set AZCOPY_CONCURRENCY_VALUE environment variable to override)
2024/08/16 13:00:58 Check CPU usage when dynamically tuning concurrency: true (Based on hard-coded default. Set AZCOPY_TUNE_TO_CPU environment variable to true or false override)
2024/08/16 13:00:58 Max concurrent transfer initiation routines: 64 (Based on hard-coded default. Set AZCOPY_CONCURRENT_FILES environment variable to override)
2024/08/16 13:00:58 Max enumeration routines: 16 (Based on hard-coded default. Set AZCOPY_CONCURRENT_SCAN environment variable to override)
2024/08/16 13:00:58 Parallelize getting file properties (file.Stat): false (Based on AZCOPY_PARALLEL_STAT_FILES environment variable)
2024/08/16 13:00:58 Max open files when downloading: 2147483066 (auto-computed)
2024/08/16 13:00:58 Final job part has been created
2024/08/16 13:00:58 Final job part has been scheduled
2024/08/16 13:00:58 INFO: [P#0-T#0] Starting transfer: Source "/Users/eskillarsen/automation-account-demo/src/runbooks/runbook1.ps1" Destination "". Specified chunk size 8388608
2024/08/16 13:00:58 ==> REQUEST/RESPONSE (Try=1/31.725333ms, OpTime=64.441083ms) -- RESPONSE SUCCESSFULLY RECEIVED
X-Ms-Request-Id: [d2bd5ab8-301e-0065-6cdc-efd160000000]
2024/08/16 13:00:58 ==> REQUEST/RESPONSE (Try=1/8.480625ms, OpTime=8.603917ms) -- RESPONSE SUCCESSFULLY RECEIVED
X-Ms-Request-Id: [d2bd5abd-301e-0065-6fdc-efd160000000]
2024/08/16 13:00:58 INFO: [P#0-T#0] UPLOADSUCCESSFUL:
2024/08/16 13:00:58 JobID=16ffa5a2-c0be-4a43-76e0-bd2ea675aa28, Part#=0, TransfersDone=1 of 1
2024/08/16 13:00:58 all parts of entire Job 16ffa5a2-c0be-4a43-76e0-bd2ea675aa28 successfully completed, cancelled or paused
2024/08/16 13:00:58 is part of Job which 1 total number of parts done
2024/08/16 13:00:59 PERF: primary performance constraint is Unknown. States: X: 0, O: 0, M: 0, L: 0, R: 0, D: 0, W: 0, F: 0, B: 0, E: 0, T: 0, GRs: 176
2024/08/16 13:00:59 100.0 %, 1 Done, 0 Failed, 0 Pending, 1 Total, 2-sec Throughput (Mb/s): 0.0003
2024/08/16 13:00:59
Diagnostic stats:
End-to-end ms per request: 36
Network Errors: 0.00%
Server Busy: 0.00%
Job 16ffa5a2-c0be-4a43-76e0-bd2ea675aa28 Summary
Files Scanned at Source: 2
Files Scanned at Destination: 2
Elapsed Time (Minutes): 0.0334
Number of Copy Transfers for Files: 1
Number of Copy Transfers for Folder Properties: 0
Total Number of Copy Transfers: 1
Number of Copy Transfers Completed: 1
Number of Copy Transfers Failed: 0
Number of Deletions at Destination: 0
Total Number of Bytes Transferred: 70
Total Number of Bytes Enumerated: 70
Final Job Status: Completed
2024/08/16 13:00:59 Closing Log
- Azure/bicep#6955
- Azure/bicep#6048
- Azure/bicep-types-az#2150