This is the legal framework for the Starz tvOS app. It will contain FAQ, terms and conditions, privacy policy, and account management.
Carthage is the recommended way to install StarzLegal. Add the following to your cart file:
github "picciano/StarzLegal"
For manual installation. I recommend adding the project as a subproject to your project or workspace and adding the framework as a target dependency.
import FAQ
FAQ.sharedInstance.loadFAQs { (result, error) -> Void in
if let result = result {
for section in result {
debugPrint("Section name: \(!)")
for question in section.questions! {
debugPrint("Question: \(question.question!)")
debugPrint("Answer: \(question.answer!)")
if (error != nil) {
NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter().addObserver(self, selector: "faqsDidLoadHandler:", name: FAQsDidLoadNotification, object: nil)