
A simple and minimalist wrapper library to deal with JavaScript object to JSON transformations that supports removing transient fields.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


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A simple and minimalist wrapper library to deal with JavaScript object to JSON transformations that supports removing transient fields.


Install via npm

npm install json-transients

or yarn

yarn add json-transients

Getting started

Let's take a very simple JSON object as example ...

const json = {
    $_transient: '',
    isUndefined: undefined,
    str: "string",
    number: 1,
    bool: true,
    fn: () => { }

... and transform it to remove transient fiels (properties prefixed with $_ in this example)

const JsonTransients = require('json-transients')

const jst = new JsonTransients()
const result = jst.transform(json)

This will remove all transient fields and return a valid JSON object:

    isUndefined: null,
    str: "string",
    number: 1,
    bool: true


Each instance of JsonTransients takes a configuration object with following properties:

Property Required Default Description
prefix no $_ Prefix for transients fields that are being removed
transformUndefined no true Sets all undefined properties to null. If set to false all undefined properties will be removed. You can also define a custom handler.
transformDate no toISOString() Define a custom handler to transfrom Date objects. Sets all date properties to ISO string by default.


const jst = new JsonTransients({
    // use a custom prefix
    prefix: 'CUSTOM_`,
    // transform all undefined properties to "not_defined" string
    transformUndefined: () => { 
        return 'not_defined'
    // transform all dates to timestamp
    transformDate: (value) => { 
        return value.getTime()


This project is licensed under the MIT license, Copyright (c) 2020 David Pichsenmeister | pichsenmeister.com. For more information see LICENSE.