
A Discord Multitool for controlling Bots with ease

Primary LanguageGoGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


being recoded. probably wont be maintained after.




What Happens Behind GoDm image


golang can be installed at: https://go.dev version 1.20+

Go Not installed? Download Compiled Version:


  [0] Refreshes GoDm
  [1] Message & Scraped Ids in ids.txt
  [2] victims User ID
  [3] Channel ID & Message ID
  [4] Server invite
  [5] Server ID
  [6] Server Invite and Server ID
  [7] Channel ID & Message
  [8] Server ID & Channel ID
  [9] Tokens in tokens.txt
  [10] Channeld ID & Amount To ping in a single message 
  [11] Message Link & Button Type https://discord.com/developers/docs/interactions/message-components
  [12] Full Username / USER#0000
  [13] email:pass:token format / 10 options
  [14] Nitro Tokens in tokens.txt & server ID
  [15] Server ID & CHannel ID
  [16] SoundBoard Option & Channel ID
  [17] Server Invite & Options
  [18] Server Invite

time logging: the logger will return in ms so 500ms, but if its 5.23ms than its 5s & 230ms
before scraping, have a atleast a single token within the list

> tokens can be in mail:pass:token format or only token format
> just make sure theyre inside tokens.txt and the separator is ":"
> also do not mix the formats together

> use 1 - 3000 tokens for stability
> above 20 mbps netspeed dependent on amount of tokens
> godm creates a random context for each token, its not advised to restart godm after different functions.
> as it will automatically return to the menu

GoDm was made to be fast so even small amounts are enough for significant speeds


Proxy Type: Residential rotating / static list

Proxies available at:

Format: user:pass@ip:port

if using residential proxies just put it in the config.json

if using proxies from proxies.txt use the same or more amount of proxies as tokens within the file

Recommended Config:

  "Modes": {
    "Config": {
      "Interval": 0,
      "CCManager": false,
      "MaxRoutines": 300,
      "SolveCaptcha": false,
      "CaptchaRetry": 2,
      "RateLimit": true
    "Net": {
      "JA3": "772,4865-4866-49195-49199-49196-49200-52393-49171-49172-156-157-47-53,35-51-13-17513-45-10-65281-0-11-27-16-23-18-5-43,29-23-24,0",
      "Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.366",
      "Proxy": "your-proxy-address",
      "WebKit": "537.36",
      "Redirect": false,
      "TimeOut": 50
    "Discord": {
      "Ver": 2.0,
      "CapApi": ["captcha-service", "service-api-key"], <- no captcha support until recode.
      "Presence": ["online", "dnd", "idle"], 
      "Message": [
          "Title": "# Hey!",
          "Body": "> This Message Was sent using",
          "Link": "> https://github.com/yaboipy"
          "Title": "# Hello!",
          "Body": "> mind joining my server!",
          "Link": "> discord.gg/"


Name Type Description
Interval CONFIG Global Time-[sec] before iterating 0 = instant iteration
SolveCaptcha CAPTCHA Solves The Capthca Using Api
CCManager PROCESS False will have no limit to MaxRountines
MaxRoutines PROCESS The Max ammount of Concurrent WaitGroups allowed to run
CaptchaRetry CONFIG The Max ammount of times a captcha is re-solved
RateLimit ANTI Will Safely stop for if it encounnters a ratelimit and go after its over


Name Type Description
JA3 TLS TLS Fingerprint can be left as is
Proxy HTTP Your Proxy address Format: username:password@hostname:port
Redirect HTTP specifies the policy for handling redirects
Agent HEADER UserAgent To fall back on
WebKit HEADER The webkit Used for the Useragents
TimeOut HTTP Time-[sec] after request with no response, allowed 0 = no timeout


Name Type Description
Ver CONFIG GoDm Client Version
CapApi CAPTCHA Supported Captcha Service & Api Captcha solver
Presence CONFIG Array of presence's the tokens have.
Message MASSDM Array of messages that will be randomly chosen and sent


ETH: 0xf96F04521F59dDcEc404d3A90Bdf91715D202a06
BTC: bc1q5lunjjahjemql8mfyszpjfcp4cwu5u4vgu69jf
BTC: bc1qk9pdv82jd9zletczuw08jhg9ly4gn7y9g55dfq
LTC: LLMauaJr69njn1wug4E169oqFsFTDKSirq
XMR: 46TwyYsGQCqUREXJa2jgKTb6awTaftkSmPvh3aoz5se1MokrH38UvN7Co1doJ4uhLc3MeEbTEe5evMu6z5oTMbra4Hzjgc6
PYP: https://paypal.me/yaboipy  

Thanks Alot to the users who use GoDm

i appreciate it and enjoy making these projects for you to use


> Specify which Function
> Show a Screenshot
> note the inputs & config u had 


Captcha Support
fix file structure
Clean Some code / nesting





this is for educational use ONLY 😉