In-Stock Local Tracker for Best Buy Products


  • Get local updates on the in-store and online availablility
  • Automatically add items to the cart if re-instock
  • Keep a log of availability of watched items


Currently there are two runnable scripts for use.

  • main.js is well-commented. Feel free to fork the repo and customize the code to track any otheritems on Best Buy.

  • EasyRunSwitchInStockTracker.js needs no more edits than setting up the api key. You only need to run this script if you want to buy the Nintendo Switch.

Getting Started

  1. Sign-up for a developer API Key at
  2. The library requires an API key to be provided before it can be used. You can set that depends on the script you are using:
    • Create a separate file named apikey.txt containg the API key.

    • Edit the key as a string when invoking the method. The key here only serves as an example.

const BestBuyAPI = require('bestbuy')('ABp3jkZI5KOzCdTDzkofjo19');
  1. Run npm install open if needed
  2. Run either command in the Terminal depends on your need:
    node EasyRunSwitchInStockTracker.js
    node main.js


What does it look like?

Here's a snippet of the console outputs.

⚠️ The time string is given out by BestBuy API, not reflecting your local time:

LATEST ONLINE STOCK UPDATE for Neon Red/N at 2020-04-08T11:32:11
LATEST ONLINE STOCK UPDATE for Animal Cro at 2020-04-06T12:27:13
1:01:37 PM
Gray Joy-C becomes available
LATEST ONLINE STOCK UPDATE for Gray Joy-C at 2020-04-08T11:30:41
1:33:18 PM
Neon Red/N becomes available
LATEST ONLINE STOCK UPDATE for Neon Red/N at 2020-04-08T12:32:15
1:33:18 PM
Gray Joy-C becomes unavailable
LATEST ONLINE STOCK UPDATE for Gray Joy-C at 2020-04-08T12:11:15

An example of the console outputs for the easy run script monitoring the shiping availability for Nintendo Switch would be: SKU example

How to find the SKU number?

SKU example
