
http://pickfire.tk broken down into tiny pieces

Primary LanguageShellDo What The F*ck You Want To Public LicenseWTFPL

SSSG - Stupid Static Site Generator

SSSG is a layout-based static site generator built for parallelism and minimalism while being flexible and feature-full. Think of it as a layer of glue, which glues layers of papers into 3D models. It's perfect for simple personal sites that adheres to the KISS Principle while being able to follow the Suckless Philosophy and get rid of Dependency Hell.


It gives you the choice to be in control of your own site. But in return, you need to give it love and time like a wise man once spoken: “先苦后甜”.

        Usage: make -j4 (or any number you like)

+--------------------+    +--------------------+    +--------------------+
|    _lay/main.sh    |    |    _lay/post.sh    |    |  post/_www/config  |
+--------------------+    +--------------------+    +--------------------+
|exit                |    |LAYOUT=_lay/main.dh+|    |LAYOUT=_lay/post.dh+|
+---------+----------+    |F=$FILE             |    |DATE=$(date $FILE)  |
          |               +---------+----------+    |T=$(head -n $FILE)  |
+---------+----------+              |               +---------+----------+
|   _lay/main.dhtml  |    +---------+----------+              |
+--------------------+    |   _lay/post.dhtml  |    +---------+----------+
|<!DOCTYPE html>     |    +--------------------+    |    post/test.md    |
|<html>              |    |${F}                |    +--------------------+
|  <head>            |    |====                |    |Why?                |
|    <title>${T}</ti+|    |                    |    |----                |
|  <head>            |    |${CONTENT}      <------  |- Parallel and fast |
|  <body>            |    |                    |    |- Markdown-powered  |
|    ${CONTENT}  <------  |---                 |    |- Minimal outputs   |
|    ...             |    |Created by ${DATE}  |    |- Flexiblility++    |
+--------------------+    +--------------------+    +------------------- +
              --- rm -rf $(TARG)/*                            |
  +----------/                                                |
  |  clean   |        _bin/html.sh post/test.md > $(TARG)/post/test.html
  +==========+-----+ /
  | Makefile | all + ---- _bin/html.sh index.html > $(TARG)/index.html
  +==========+-----+ \
             |        +------ _bin/atom.sh post/ > $(TARG)/%/atom.xml
             |         \
             |          -------- gzip -9 (needed) + cp (needed)
      |  check  | validate html/css/xml online -> ./check.sh $(TARG)

The installation is simple, just make this your site:

git clone git://github.com/pickfire/www --depth 1
rm -rf www/.git

Configurations can be done by editing config.sh and config.mk.

_dyn/tor needs to be manually linked to /srv/tor which uses fastcgi.


  1. The _www/config found at the previous/current directory of the input file will be sourced, shell script and variables are optional.

  2. Add shell functions/variables to file.sh (just change extension), these can aid in generating dynamic contents. E.g. menu

  3. In between those lines of code, add LAYOUT=_lay/layout.dhtml to paste the current content into layout.dhtml's ${CONTENT}. (Required)

  4. Use ${VAR} (must be UPPERCASE) in files to substitute it to the variable, unused variables (line) will be deleted when generation is completed.

  5. Makefile does not look for directories with names starting with _.



  • atom.sh - Find Markdown files and generate an Atom feed from it
  • check.sh - Find HTML/CSS/XML files and verify it online
  • css.sh - Minify CSS files with sed and tr
  • html.sh - Output HTML content with a file as input
  • map.sh - Generate the sitemap and urllist



