
The upcoming v4 of gatsby-source-wordpress, currently in beta

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Wapuu hugging a ball with the Gatsby logo on it

Gatsby and gatsby-source-wordpress-experimental are released under the MIT license. Current npm package version. Downloads per month on npm. Total downloads on npm. PRs welcome! Follow @gatsbyjs

gatsby-source-wordpress@v4 BETA

This plugin is the official recommended way to use WordPress with Gatsby. We're currently publishing on a separate package to make migrating from gatsby-source-wordpress@v3 easier. If you're coming from v3 ​this allows you to activate the new version of the plugin alongside gatsby-source-wordpress and migrate your codebase one piece at a time ⭐

Overview 🌞

This plugin works by merging the WPGraphQL schema & data with the Gatsby schema & Node model which allows us to efficiently cache WP data in Gatsby. What this means is that incremental builds, and fast builds work beautifully! πŸ’… Preview is currently buggy in some cases but is being worked on and will work beautifully too soon! πŸ˜‰

Developer & Content Creator experience are some of our main focuses with this integration. Please send us your feedback!

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Docs πŸ“–

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