Inkdrop plugin: Search Notes

Search notes from within the editor and add link to selected result.


Search notes

Add link to selected result (only on editor)

  • Search notes from current. Adds a link to selected result
  • Also works with selected text
  • Mapped to cmd-shift-s

Navigate to selected result

  • Search notes and navigate to selected result.
  • Mapped to alt-cmd-space

Note: I also use these two key bindings to speed up navigation:

Search notes from editor

Note: Inkdrop's search engine tokenizes text, so only full words are supported. See Inkdrop docs


  • Search for notes from the editor
    • Command opens modal with input + empty results section
    • Typing in input -> search for notes
    • List notes on result section
    • Select a note -> adds link on current note
    • Select multiple results to add in current doc
  • Backlinks Part of the core app as of v5.8.0
    • When adding a link to a note, add a backlink on Backlinks section
  • Side pane
    • Links list
    • Backlinks list Listed above note as of v5.8.0