
Small tool for exploration & analysis of arbitrary timestamped event data

Primary LanguageSvelte


My own 80/20 implementation of what I keep wanting from an online event data analysis system.

Uses influxDB as an event store (not totally scalable but will work great for up to ~10,000 events per day) with a thin API on top that accepts and records, and indexes arbitrary JSON as events. Includes a basic UI with nice graphing capability and a single-view, easy to use querying method that should cover what I understand to be most use cases people need from time-based event metrics.

Stack is currently Docker, InfluxDB, Starlette, Svelte, and Chart.JS.

Not deployed to the interblag yet but will be soon.

A lot more features to come (none are too hard), including but not limited to:

  • ability to group by multiple tags
  • more/nicer autocomplete
  • graph sharing via link query params
  • zooming and custom ranges (ok this might be hard)
    • was not hard once we switched to C3.js, more performant too 🎉
  • easy view of raw events when needed
  • ability to define CSV and webhook sources


Here's what it looks like so far (dummy data), please don't judge it's very early stages:

a line chart

a stacked bar chart

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