
Dynamic tables built with angular material.

Getting Started

A full demo can be found on the github repository.

Install with npm:

npm i dynamic-mat-table

After installation include DynamicMatTableModule in your module imports:

import { DynamicMatTableModule } from 'dynamic-mat-table';
imports: [

Column types are defined as follow:

export interface AbstractField {
  index?: number;
  name: string; // The key of the data
  type?: 'text' | 'number' | 'date' | 'category'; // Type of data in the field
  width?: number; // width of column
  header?: string; // The title of the column
  print?: boolean; // disply in printing view by defualt is true
  isKey?: boolean;
  inlineEdit?: boolean;
  display?: 'visible' | 'hiden' | 'prevent-hidden'; // Hide and visible this column
  sticky?: 'start' | 'end' | 'none'; // sticky this column to start or end
  filter?: 'client-side' | 'server-side' | 'none';
  sort?: 'client-side' | 'server-side' | 'none';
  cellClass?: string; // Apply a class to a cell, class name must be in the data

Data row is extend from TableRow:

export interface TableRow {
  id?: number;
  isOpen?: boolean;
  rowClass?: string;
  actionMenu?: { [key: string]: ActionMenu; };

Source data must be an TableVirtualScrollDataSource:

let data = [
  { "row": 1, "name": "Element #4", "weight": "65 KG", "color": "Magenta", "brand": "Zanjan Benz", "type": "Van" }, ...];

this.dataSource = new TableVirtualScrollDataSource(data);

In the HTML add the selector:

<dynamic-mat-table tableName="demo_table"


columns = Column definitions dataSource = Table data in TableVirtualScrollDataSource sticky = Enable the sticky on header showNoData = show custom text on center if there is not any record showProgress = active progress on table pending = pending progress on table selection = active selection row ('single' | 'multi' | 'none') pagination = configuration for pagination. eg: { pageIndex: 0, pageSize: 10, pageSizeOptions: [ 5, 10, 100, 1000], showFirstLastButtons: true } pagingMode = paging mode ('none' | 'client' | 'server')

class.conditional-class = apply custom style. eg:

  /* Conditional Class & Overwrite Style */
  :host ::ng-deep .conditional-class .mat-table .row-selection{
    background-color:rgb(7, 140, 163) !important; /* for over write */
    border-radius: 5px;
    .mat-cell {
      color: white !important;

  /* Style Element Inside Table */
  :host ::ng-deep dynamic-mat-table .mat-table mat-row{
    cursor: pointer;

setting = can restore column setting(width, order, visible, ...) with this parameter. dir = rtl/ltr. printConfig = print configuration. eg: { title: 'Print All Test Data' , showParameters: true } actionMenu = show action menu on each row and can change menu parameters: suppose

    { name: 'Edit', text: 'Edit', color: 'primary', icon: 'edit', disabled: false, visible: true},
    { name: 'Delete',text: 'Delete Record', color: 'warn', icon: 'delete', disabled: false, visible: true});
  Customize for one record:
  this.dataSource.allData[0].actionMenu = { Edit: { text: 'View', color: 'primary', icon: 'build_circle'}, Delete: {visible: false}};

settingChange = Output all configuration of columns rowActionMenuChange = Output for action menu that clicked rowClick = Output for the click event on the row

For more examples run the demo application.

How to add international

to support new language you must declare new class and implement LanguagePack for example this is persian language:

import { MatPaginatorIntl } from '@angular/material/paginator';
import { FilterLabels, LanguagePack, MenuLabels, TableLabels } from 'dynamic-mat-table';
export class PersionLanguage implements LanguagePack {

  constructor() {

  menuLabels: MenuLabels = {
    saveData: 'ذخیره داده ها ',
    columnSetting: 'تنظیمات ستون ها ',
    saveTableSetting: 'ذخیره  تنظیمات جدول',
    clearFilter: 'فیلتر را پاک کنید',
    jsonFile: 'Json فایل',
    csvFile: 'CSV فایل',
    printTable: 'چاپ جدول',
    filterMode: 'نوع فیلتر',
    filterLocalMode: 'محلی',
    filterServerMode: 'سرور',
    sortMode: 'حالت مرتب سازی',
    sortLocalMode: 'سمت کاربر',
    sortServerMode: 'سمت سرور',
    printMode: 'حالت چاپ',
    printYesMode: 'بله',
    printNoMode: 'خیر',
    pinMode: 'حالت پین ',
    pinNoneMode: 'هیچ کدام',
    pinStartMode: 'شروع',
    pinEndMode: 'پایان',

  paginatorLabels: MatPaginatorIntl = {
    changes: null,
    itemsPerPageLabel: 'ایتم های هر صفحه:',
    nextPageLabel: 'صفحه بعدی:',
    previousPageLabel: 'صفحه قبلی:',
    firstPageLabel: 'اولین صفحه:',
    lastPageLabel: 'آخرین صفحه:',
    getRangeLabel : (page: number, pageSize: number, length: number) => {
      console.log(page, pageSize, length);
      if (length === 0 || pageSize === 0) { return `0 از ${length}`; }
      length = Math.max(length, 0);
      const startIndex = page * pageSize;
      const endIndex = startIndex < length ?
          Math.min(startIndex + pageSize, length) :
          startIndex + pageSize;
      return `${startIndex + 1} - ${endIndex} از ${length}`;

  tableLabels: TableLabels =
    NoData: 'هیچ رکوردی پیدا نشد'

  filterLabels: FilterLabels = {
    Clear: 'پاک کردن',
    Search: 'جستجو',
    And: 'و',
    Or: 'یا',
    /* Text Compare */
    Text: 'متن',
    TextContains: 'دربرگرفتن',
    TextEmpty: 'خالی بودن',
    TextStartsWith: 'شروع شدن با',
    TextEndsWith: ' پایان گرفتن با',
    TextEquals: 'مساوی بودن',
    TextNotEmpty: 'خالی نبودن',
    /* Number Compare */
    Number: 'تعداد',
    NumberEquals: 'مساوی',
    NumberNotEquals: 'مساوی نبودن',
    NumberGreaterThan: ' بزرگ تر از',
    NumberLessThan: 'کم تر از ',
    NumberEmpty: 'خالی بودن',
    NumberNotEmpty: 'خالی نبودن',
    /* Category List Compare */
    CategoryContains: 'در برگرفتن',
    CategoryNotContains: 'در بر نگرفتن',
    /* Boolean Compare */
    /* Date Compare */

and passed this class to grid so :

 providers: [
    { provide: TableIntl, useFactory: languageIntl}


export function languageIntl() {
  return new PersionLanguage();