
The Angular CLI Docker Images (v1.0.0-latest)

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Angular CLI Docker Images


  • Included all @angular/cli releases starts from v1.0.0 except some buggy releases.
  • All tags are identical with the @angular/cli npm versions ( npm view @angular/cli versions )
  • Includes a default app created by ng new command that located in /app folder.
  • Turn off Google Analytics by default.


Note: After container started, just navigate to https://localhost:4200 to see app running!

  1. Simply run the default app using Angular CLI v8.3.23 and ng serve command.

    docker run --name myapp --rm -d -p 4200:4200 willh/ngcli:8.3.23 npm start

    With --rm argument, when container stopped, the container will be removed automatically.

  2. Enter container with bash using Angular CLI v8.3.23.

    docker run --name myapp --rm -it -p 4200:4200 willh/ngcli:8.3.23

    With --rm argument, when container stopped, the container will be removed automatically.

  3. Mount your own app into container and run npm install inside container.

    docker run --name myapp --rm -it -v /ng8:/app willh/ngcli:8.3.23 npm install
  4. Mount your own app (G:\ng8) into container and run npm install and npm start manually.

    docker run --name myapp --rm -it -p 4200:4200 -v G:\ng8:/app willh/ngcli:8.3.23
    npm install
    ng serve --disable-host-check --host --poll 1000
  5. Mount empty folder (G:\demo1) into container and run ng new and npm start manually.

    mkdir g:\demo1
    docker run --name myapp --rm -it -p 4200:4200 -v G:\demo1:/app willh/ngcli:8.3.23
    cd /
    ng new app --routing --style css
    cd /app
    npm install
    ng serve --disable-host-check --host --poll 1000
  6. Mount empty folder (G:\demo1) into container and run ng new, npm start and npm test manually.

    mkdir g:\demo1
    docker run --name myapp --rm -it -p 4200:4200 -v G:\demo1:/app willh/ngcli:8.3.23
    cd /
    ng new app --routing --style css
    cd /app
    npm install
    ng serve --disable-host-check --host --poll 1000
    docker exec -it myapp bash
    sed -i "s/browsers: \['Chrome'\],/browsers: ['ChromiumNoSandbox'],customLaunchers: {ChromiumNoSandbox: {base: 'ChromiumHeadless',flags: ['--no-sandbox','--headless','--disable-gpu','--disable-translate','--disable-extensions']}},/g" karma.conf.js
    prettier --single-quote --write karma.conf.js
    # 只跑一次 Karma Runner
    ng test --progress=false --code-coverage=true --watch=false
    # 監控資料夾變更,自動重跑 Karma Runner
    ng test --progress=false --code-coverage=true --poll=1000
    docker exec -it myapp bash
    sed -i "s/browserName: 'chrome'/browserName: 'chrome', chromeOptions: {args: ['--no-sandbox','--headless','--disable-gpu','--disable-translate','--disable-extensions']}/g" e2e/protractor.conf.js
    prettier --single-quote --write e2e/protractor.conf.js
    ng e2e --dev-server-target= --webdriver-update=false
  7. Check logs

    docker logs myapp
  8. Check logs continuously

    docker logs myapp -f
  9. Stop container

    docker stop myapp
  10. Remove container

    docker rm myapp

Build notes

  1. build.sh

    Build all GA version from v7

  2. build.beta.sh

    Build all BETA version from v7

  3. build.rc.sh

    Build all RC version from v7

  4. build.next.sh

    Build all NEXT version from v7

  5. build.v6.sh

    Build all GA version for v6.x.x

  6. build.v6.0.sh

    Build all GA version for v6.0.x

  7. build.v6.1.sh

    Build all GA version for v6.1.x

  8. build.v6.2.sh

    Build all GA version for v6.2.x

  9. build.v7.sh

    Build all GA version for v7.x.x

  10. build.v8.sh

    Build all GA version for v8.x.x

  11. build.v9.sh

    Build all GA version for v9.x.x