
Allows to add additional processing rules to your composer-based dependency installation

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT


This free and open source MIT-licensed Composer plugin allows you to add additional processing rules to your Composer-based dependency installation.

These processing rules can adjust dependency installation paths, execute arbitrary code post-dependency installation and chain other Composer installer plugins.


  1. This plugin is not published on Packagist yet. To add it to your Composer-based project, add the corresponding repository for it to your composer.json. Composer's documentation describes how to work with repositories.

  2. Add the plugin to your composer.json as a dependency:

        "require": {
            "viison/composer-rules-plugin": "0.12.0",
  3. Add any rules you want to your composer.json:

        "extra": {
            "composer-rules-plugin": {
                "rules": [
                        "rule": "rule-add-installer",
                        "class": "Composer\\Installers\\Installer"
                        "rule": "rule-symlink-deps-of-deps",
                        "match-outer-deps": ["dep/a"],
                        "match-inner-deps": ["dep/b"],
                        "symlink-dest": ["%outerdir%/symlink-to-b-inside-a"]

Supported rules


Adds another Composer installer plugin class. The installer class is determined by the class parameter. This class must implement Composer's InstallerInterface and must have a public constructor supporting with the following signature:

use Composer\Composer;
use Composer\Installer\InstallerInterface;
use Composer\IO\IOInterface;
use Composer\Util\Filesystem;
// ...
class MyInstaller implements InstallerInterface {
    public function __construct(
        IOInterface $io,
        Composer $composer,
        $type = 'library',
        Filesystem $filesystem = null) { /* ... */ }

This rule is intended to allow concurrent usage of the composer/installers plugin with this plugin. The following example shows this use case:

    "require:" {
        "viison/composer-rules-plugin": "dev-master",
    "extra": {
        "composer-rules-plugin": {
            "rules": [
                    "rule": "rule-add-installer",
                    "class": "Composer\\Installers\\Installer"


Creates symbolic links to an indirect dependency in the directory of an outer dependency:

    "require:" {
        "dep/a": "*",
        "VIISON/composer-rules-plugin": "dev-master",
    "extra": {
        "composer-rules-plugin": {
            "rules": [
                    "rule": "rule-symlink-deps-of-deps",
                    "match-outer-deps": ["dep/a"],
                    "match-inner-deps": ["dep/b"],
                    "symlink-dest": ["%outerdir%/symlink-to-b-inside-a"]

In the above example, dep/a is a direct dependency of the root project. dep/b is a dependency of dep/a. The symlink-dest parameters defines that in the directory of the outer dependency (%outerdir%), an absolute symbolic link will be created named symlink-to-b-inside-a, with the location of dep/b as its target.

Supported hooks

Rules must implement the Rule interface and can then manipulate dependencies' installation paths and execute actions after a dependency has been installed.

The list of supported rules is currently statically configured. This may change in future versions.

Running The Tests

  • To install the development dependencies: composer install
  • Run the tests: ./vendor/bin/phpunit


  • At this time, only the composer install use case is considered supported. composer update may not work for all scenarios.

  • This plugin may not work correctly or interfere with other Composer plugins/installers.

  • The tests only ever test your current local master branch.

  • Custom rules are not picked up. The supported rules are currently hard-coded in RuleFactory.

  • Documentation is only rudimentary at this point.


This software uses Semantic Versioning 2.0.0.


VIISON/composer-rules-plugin is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.


Copyright 2014-2015 VIISON GmbH https://viison.com/

All rights are reserved for the VIISON GmbH logo. You may distribute it as a part of this software package. You may not use it to endorse or promote products either derived from this software or otherwise without specific prior written permission.