
Development board for ATmega128 with LCD, RS232 and ISP

MIT LicenseMIT

AVR ATmega128 development board

Simple board with ATmega128 microcontroller and breakout connectors for each port

ATmega base schematic


  • Each port is accessible over Molex 10pin header (Px0 - Px7, +5V, GND)
  • L7805 voltage regulator
  • Serial driver ic for 2x RS-232
  • LCD connector for HD44780 displays (no BUSY reading possible, just wait..)
  • Pinheader for display background LED
  • Reset button
  • 16 MHz crystal oscillator
  • Additional +5V and GND pins
  • Holes for easy mounting

ATmega base schematic


Check out my other GitHub pages for more driver support (only C), I will post some libraries once I've got more time...