
✍️Fusuma makes slides with Markdown easily.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

📝 Makes slides with Markdown easily.

npm Azure Codecov

Just write Markdown and create cool slides.😎


  • Zero Config
  • supports mdx
    • you can write React Components into Markdown
  • supports WebSlides as Slide UI
  • supports Presentation API (Chrome, Firefox)
    • also, Fusuma works even without Presentation API (uses localstorage)
  • supports Screen Capture API (Chrome, Firefox)
    • it will help live coding, etc
  • 100% SEO
  • records your voice and does time travel on slides timeline (Chrome, Firefox)
  • customizes JavaScript and CSS freely


  • Start Mode (development)
  • Build Mode (production)
  • Presentation Mode
    • Fusuma provides a speaker note, timer, slide timeline and recording feature
  • Live Mode
    • Fusuma can stream tweets when you give a speech
  • Deploying to GitHub Pages
  • Exporting slides as PDF


You can also try Fusuma in Gitpod, a one-click online IDE for GitHub:

Open in Gitpod


Node versions > v8

$ npm i fusuma --save-dev # or npm i fusuma -g
$ yarn add fusuma --dev


Just execute the following two lines for executing, generating and deploying slides!

$ npm i fusuma -D
$ mkdir slides && echo '# Hello😄' > slides/title.md

# --- Tree ---
$ tree -a
└── slides
    └── title.md

1 directory, 1 files

# --- executable tasks---
$ npx fusuma init     # customize fusuma configuration
$ npx fusuma start    # development
$ npx fusuma build    # build as NODE_ENV=production
$ npx fusuma live     # start live mode
$ npx fusuma deploy   # deploy to github pages
$ npx fusuma pdf      # export as PDF from HTML

# --- help
$ npx fusuma --help
$ npx fusuma live --help # see help for a specific command

When npx fusuma start is executed, fusuma will create a slide as follows and serve localhost:8080.

And you can customize the slide using CSS and JS.

Directory Structure

Please see samples/intro or issue-verifier/fusuma.

Slide order is numeric, alphabetical.

├── .fusumarc.yml       <-- [optional] the configuration file
├── index.js            <-- [optional] js extending fusuma
├── slides              <-- [required] slides written by Markdown or HTML
│   ├── 0-title.md
│   ├── 01-content.md
│   ├── 02-body
│   │   └── 0-title.md
│   └── 03-end.md
└── style.css           <-- [optional] css extending fusuma

2 directories, 7 files

The slide display order is as follows.

0-title.md -> 01-content.md -> 0-title.md(in 02-body) -> 03-end.md

Or slides can be divided by --- like below.

## Hello

This is the first slide.


## 🤭

This is the second slide.

Also, you can use react components if you change the extension from .md to .mdx.

<!-- 0-title.mdx -->

import { Sample } from './scripts/Sample';

<Sample />


## 🤭

This is the second slide.
// Sample.js

import React from 'react';

export const Sample = () => <p>Hello from jsx!!</p>;

Configuration File

This file is optional, but many customizations will be possible.
Supports for yaml and js and it can be generated by running fusuma init.


  url: https://slides.hiroppy.me
  title: the present and future of JavaScript
  description: Explain how specifications are determined and how it will be in the future.
  thumbnail: https://avatars1.githubusercontent.com/u/1725583?v=4&s=200
  siteName: slides.hiroppy.me
    - twitter
    - hatena
  loop: true
  sidebar: true
  targetBlank: true
  showIndex: false
  isVertical: false
      - javascript
      - line-numbers
    theme: default
  js: index.js
  css: style.css


module.exports = {
  meta: {
    url: 'https://slide.hiroppy.me',
    title: 'test-test',
    description: 'test',
    thumbnail: 'url',
    siteName: 'siteName',
    sns: ['twitter', 'hatena']
  slide: {
    loop: true,
    sidebar: true,
    targetBlank: true,
    showIndex: false,
    isVertical: false,
    code: {
      languages: ['javascript'],
      plugins: ['line-numbers'],
      theme: 'default'
  extends: {
    js: 'index.js',
    css: 'style.css'

Extend JS and CSS

You can extend JS and CSS when extends.js or extends.css in .fusumarc is specified by a file path.

The following features are available by default:

  • JS
    • uses Babel, so you can use ESM(import/export), and ES2018
  • CSS

Slide Syntax

Fusuma has some slide syntax like create a table of contents automatically, etc.
See the intro slide. Syntax Provided by Fusuma

Code Syntax Highlighting

Fusuma uses Prism.js.
You can specify languages, plugins, theme to .fusumrc. Please see babel-plugin-prismjs for detail.

    languages: # the default is ['javascript']
      - javascript
    plugins: # the default is []
      - line-numbers
    theme: default # the default is "default"

Playground of Prism.js

Presenter Mode

  1. open Sidebar(click the bottom right button(三))
  2. click the PC monitor icon
  3. if you use Chrome, you can choose select cast device
  4. if you use a browser that does not support Presentation API, a new window will be created

Practice Presentation

Fusuma records the slide operation performed by you when you start a timer.
And, by recording audio, you can also do time travel.

When you start the timer, the timeline will be recorded.
When you reset the timer, the timeline will be reset.

Recording Mode: See the movie.

Live Mode

Fusuma can fetch tweets from Twitter. In addition, fusuma have an api endpoint.
If you specify a keyword and authentication keys, fetching from twitter will be enabled.
Since comments can be sent to fusuma itself, you can use in the private case.
Also, this mode can run with Presenter Mode.

# create .env
$ npx fusuma init -s live
# edit .env and add .env to .gitignore
$ npx fusuma live -w '@nodejs' # npx fusuma live --help
# also, you can deploy to other servers
$ open http://localhost:3000

Post a comment

$ curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"text":"hello:)"}' localhost:3000/api/comments


This slide is very simple, so this is a measure of the maximum performance fusuma can deliver.

* URL: https://hiroppy.github.io/fusuma/issues/#slide=1
* Device: No emulation
* Network throttling: 150 ms TCP RTT, 1,638.4 Kbps throughput (Simulated)
* CPU throttling: 4x slowdown (Simulated)
* User agent (host): Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_14_5) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/74.0.3729.169 Safari/537.36
* User agent (network): Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_14_5) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/74.0.3729.169 Safari/537.36
* CPU/Memory Power: 1052

The values of Accessibility and Best Practices depend on the user because the user writes HTML(Markdown).
If you want to make SEO score 100%, you should fill in the .fusumarc.yml.



$ git clone git@github.com:hiroppy/fusuma.git
$ cd fusuma
$ npm i
$ npm run setup

Link local packages

$ npx lerna add @fusuma/xxx --scope=@fusuma/yyy

see https://github.com/lerna/lerna/tree/master/commands/add


const start = require('@fusuma/task-start');
const build = require('@fusuma/task-build');
const pdf = require('@fusuma/task-pdf');
const deploy = require('@fusuma/task-ghp');
const init = require('@fusuma/task-init');