PICO Enterprise devices offer the possibility of setting installed applications as their main launcher app. This is not only useful when setting up a kiosk mode, but also helps when we want the end user access only a set of different apps and options.
- Unity 2022.3.f1
- PICO XR SDK 2.4.0
- XR Interaction Toolkit 2.5.2 + Starter Assets
- Android Logcat
The LauncherUtils.cs class shows how to use several Enterprise SDK methods:
- PXR_Enterprise.StartVrSettingsItem: https://developer-global.pico-interactive.com/reference/unity/latest/PXR_Enterprise/#StartVrSettingsItem
- PXR_Enterprise.StartActivity: https://developer-global.pico-interactive.com/reference/unity/latest/PXR_Enterprise/#StartActivity
- PXR_Enterprise.GotoSeeThroughFloorSetting: https://developer-global.pico-interactive.com/reference/unity/latest/PXR_Enterprise/#bd4f531c
- PXR_Enterprise.ControlSetDeviceAction: https://developer-global.pico-interactive.com/reference/unity/latest/PXR_Enterprise/#ControlSetDeviceAction
- PXR_Enterprise.SetAPPAsHome: https://developer-global.pico-interactive.com/reference/unity/latest/PXR_Enterprise/#SetAPPAsHome
Note: PXR_Enterprise.SetAPPAsHome requires rebooting the device in order to take effect.
In this demo, several Enterprise-level APIs are exposed to the user/developer. We encourage developers to take a look at the PXR_Enterprise apps to check how they can leverage the Enteprise SDK for their use cases.
To provide more intuitive way of configuring Kiosk Mode, we’ve built a functionality from Pico Business Setting to facilitate Kiosk Mode deployment. The method is described as following:
- Click Settings > Developer> Business settings>Home Screen.
- Select the application that you want to use for Kiosk Mode.
- Reboot the device