

  • Unity 2020.3.431f1
  • Pico Unity Integration SDK v2.1.2

Applicable devices:

  • Neo 3 series, PICO 4


  • This demo shows how to use the Pico Unity Platform SDK to implement Real-Time Communication.


Here is the instruction of RTC demo:

  • **Note: **
  1. In order to test the Platform SDK you will need an AppID after creating a game on our Developer portal
  2. Use the AppID in the PXR_SDK->PlatformSetting->User Entitlement Check
  3. Enable Entitlement Check Simulation
  4. Add your Device Serial Number(Found in Headset under Settings->General->About->Device Serial Number)
  5. Build the project to your headset to test since it will require your logged in Pico Account for the Login step
  • Login: click to initialize the Pico platform SDK, initialize the RTC engine and login user account.

  • RoomId: enter the room id you want to enter or create (note: only user inputs same room id can join the same room).

  • JoinRtcRoom: join the room and open the audio.

  • MuteOthers: receive or not to receive the sound of everyone else in the room.

  • MuteSelf: make oneself voice able/unable to be heard be others in the same room.

  • LeaveRtcRoom: leave the room and stop the audio.

  • X: clear the text.