
Monitors ambient temperature with a mcp9808 connected to a Teensy 4.0

Primary LanguageRustApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Temperature Monitor

John D. Corbett
June, 2024

Illustrates how to program a Teensy 4.0 in Rust to

When the temperature exceeds a threshold, initially 30 ℃, the LED on the Teensy 4.0 lights. This temperature is a bit warmer than a typical office environment, but a bit cooler than body temperature, so it is possible to test the system by merely pinching the sensor between your fingers.

The threshold can be increased or decreased by a degree Celsius with two momentary push buttons.

Error reporting can be demonstrated by disconnecting one or more of the sensor wires.


Teensy 4 wired to an MCP9808 breakout board

MCP9808 - Temperature Sensor

  • SCL - Teensy 4.0: 16
  • SDA - Teensy 4.0: 17
  • VCC - Teensy 4.0: 3.3V
  • GND - Teensy 4.0: G
  • A0 - Teensy 4.0: G
  • A1 - Teensy 4.0: G
  • A2 - Teensy 4.0: G

Up Button - Momentary Switch

  • 1 - Teensy 4.0: 11
  • 2 - Teensy 4.0: 12

Down Button - Momentary Switch

  • 1 - Teensy 4.0: 10
  • 2 - Teensy 4.0: 12

The Teensy 4.0 will appear at /dev/ttyACM<n> on Unix-like platforms, e.g. /dev/ttyACM0; or /dev/cu.usbmodem<nnn> on Mac.

The Teensy 4.0 should report the temperature and threshold periodically.


To build the executable

   cargo build --target=thumbv7em-none-eabihf --release

See teesny4-rs for toolchain guidance.

To convert the executable from elf to Intel hex format using objcopy

   cargo objcopy --target=thumbv7em-none-eabihf --release -- -O ihex t4.hex

To download the firmware into the Teensy 4.0 using Teensy Loader

   teensy_loader_cli --mcu=TEENSY40 -v -w t4.hex


Open a terminal application on /dev/ttyACM0 (or similar for your platform). You should see a stream of temperature readings similar to the following

[INFO t4_mcp9808::app]: Temperature: 27.5625 °C, Threshold: 30 °C
[INFO t4_mcp9808::app]: Temperature: 27.5625 °C, Threshold: 30 °C
[INFO t4_mcp9808::app]: Temperature: 27.5625 °C, Threshold: 30 °C

Pinch the sensor between your fingers. When the temperature reaches 30 ℃, observe the orange LED on the Teensy 4.0 lights up.

[INFO t4_mcp9808::app]: Temperature: 28.8125 °C, Threshold: 30 °C
[INFO t4_mcp9808::app]: Temperature: 29.3125 °C, Threshold: 30 °C
[INFO t4_mcp9808::app]: Temperature: 29.6875 °C, Threshold: 30 °C
[INFO t4_mcp9808::app]: Temperature: 30 °C, Threshold: 30 °C
[INFO t4_mcp9808::app]: Temperature: 30.25 °C, Threshold: 30 °C
[INFO t4_mcp9808::app]: Temperature: 30.4375 °C, Threshold: 30 °C
[INFO t4_mcp9808::app]: Temperature: 30.625 °C, Threshold: 30 °C

Press the Up button connecting pins 11 and 12 of the Teensy 4.0.

[INFO t4_mcp9808::app]: Temperature: 26.5 °C, Threshold: 30 °C
[INFO t4_mcp9808::app]: Increased alarm theshold to 31 °C.
[INFO t4_mcp9808::app]: Temperature: 26.4375 °C, Threshold: 31 °C

Various error conditions can be provoked by disconnecting various wires of the sensor breakout board or by adjusting the temperature threshold below -40 °C or above 125 °C.

Deviation from Requirements

  • I wasn't able to get USB-Serial input working, so I added the push buttons instead.

  • I didn't have time to create a mock interface for working without actual hardware.