Ansible Role: Drush

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Installs Drush, a command line shell and scripting interface for Drupal, on any Linux or UNIX system.


PHP must be installed on the system prior to running this role (suggested role: geerlingguy.php).

Source installation additionally requires Git and Composer to also be installed on the system (suggested roles: geerlingguy.git and geerlingguy.composer).

Role Variables

Available variables are listed below, along with default values (see defaults/main.yml):


The URL from which the Drush phar file will be downloaded.

drush_path: /usr/local/bin/drush

The path where drush will be installed and available to your system. Should be in your user's $PATH so you can run commands simply with drush instead of the full path.

drush_config: ~/.drush

Path to the directory where Drush will store its generated config.

drush_install_from_source: no

Whether to use Git and Composer to install Drush from source.

drush_version: 8.1.10

The version of Drush to download (examples: 8.1.10, 8.1.9). This should exactly match an available Drush release. Note that setting drush_install_from_source to yes changes the possible values for drush_version--see below for more information.

Variables used for source install (Git).

drush_install_path: /usr/local/share/drush

The location of the entire drush installation (includes all the supporting files, as well as the drush executable file.

drush_version: "master"

The version of Drush to install (examples: "master" for the bleeding edge, "7.x", "6.x", "6.2.0"). This should be a string as it refers to a git branch, tag, or commit hash.

drush_keep_updated: no
drush_force_update: no

Whether to keep Drush up-to-date with the latest revision of the branch specified by drush_version, and whether to force the update (e.g. overwrite local modifications to the drush repository).

drush_force_composer_install: no

Use this if you get an error message when provisioning like Unable to load autoload.php. Run composer install to fetch dependencies and write this file. It will force a composer install inside the Drush directory.

drush_composer_cli_options: "--prefer-source --no-interaction"

These options are the safest for avoiding GitHub API rate limits when installing Drush, and can be very helpful when working on dependencies/installation, but builds can be sped up substantially by changing the first option to --prefer-dist.

drush_clone_depth: 1

Whether to clone the entire repo (by default), or specify the number of previous commits for a smaller and faster clone.



Example Playbook

- hosts: servers
    - geerlingguy.drush

After the playbook runs, the drush command will be accessible from normal system accounts.



Author Information

This role was created in 2014 by Jeff Geerling, author of Ansible for DevOps.