
Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

KakaoBrain pytorch pytorch-lightning


This is an official PyTorch Implementation of Boundary-aware Self-supervised Learning for Video Scene Segmentation (BaSSL) [arxiv]

  • The method is a self-supervised learning algorithm that learns a model to capture contextual transition across boundaries during the pre-training stage. To be specific, the method leverages pseudo-boundaries and proposes three novel boundary-aware pretext tasks effective in maximizing intra-scene similarity and minimizing inter-scene similarity, thus leading to higher performance in video scene segmentation task.

1. Environmental Setup

We have tested the implementation on the following environment:

  • Python 3.7.7 / PyTorch 1.7.1 / torchvision 0.8.2 / CUDA 11.0 / Ubuntu 18.04

Also, the code is based on pytorch-lightning (==1.3.8) and all necessary dependencies can be installed by running following command.

$ pip install torch==1.7.1+cu110 torchvision==0.8.2+cu110 torchaudio==0.7.2 -f https://download.pytorch.org/whl/torch_stable.html
$ pip install -r requirements.txt

# (optional) following installation of pillow-simd sometimes brings faster data loading.
$ pip uninstall pillow && CC="cc -mavx2" pip install -U --force-reinstall pillow-simd

2. Prepare Data

We provide data download script for raw key-frames of MovieNet-SSeg dataset, and our re-formatted annotation files applicable for BaSSL. FYI, our script will automatically download and decompress data---1) key-frames (160G), 2) annotations (200M)---into <path-to-root>/bassl/data/movienet.

# download movienet data
$ cd <path-to-root>
$ bash script/download_movienet_data.sh

In addition, download annotation files from MovieNet-SSeg google drive and put the folder scene318 into <path-to-root>/bassl/data/movienet. Then, the data folder structure will be as follows:

# <path-to-root>/bassl/data
│─ 240P_frames
│    │─ tt0120885                 # movie id (or video id)
│    │    │─ shot_0000_img_0.jpg
│    │    │─ shot_0000_img_1.jpg
│    │    │─ shot_0000_img_2.jpg  # for each shot, three key-frames are given.
|    |    ::    │─ shot_1256_img_2.jpg
│    |    
│    │─ tt1093906
│         │─ shot_0000_img_0.jpg
│         │─ shot_0000_img_1.jpg
│         │─ shot_0000_img_2.jpg
|         :
│         │─ shot_1270_img_2.jpg
     │─ anno.pretrain.ndjson
     │─ anno.trainvaltest.ndjson
     │─ anno.train.ndjson
     │─ anno.val.ndjson
     │─ anno.test.ndjson
     │─ vid2idx.json
     │─ label318
     │─ meta
     │─ shot_movie318

3. Train (Pre-training and Fine-tuning)

We use Hydra to provide flexible training configurations. Below examples explain how to modify each training parameter for your use cases.
We assume that you are in <path-to-root> (i.e., root of this repository).

3.1. Pre-training

(1) Pre-training BaSSL
Our pre-training is based on distributed environment (multi-GPUs training) using ddp environment supported by pytorch-lightning.
The default setting requires 8-GPUs (of V100) with a batch of 256. However, you can set the parameter config.DISTRIBUTED.NUM_PROC_PER_NODE to the number of gpus you can use or change config.TRAIN.BATCH_SIZE.effective_batch_size. You can run a single command cd bassl; bash ../scripts/run_pretrain_bassl.sh or following full command:

cd <path-to-root>/bassl
PYTHONPATH=${WORK_DIR} python3 ${WORK_DIR}/pretrain/main.py \
    config.EXPR_NAME=${EXPR_NAME} \

Note that the checkpoints are automatically saved in bassl/pretrain/ckpt/<EXPR_NAME> and log files (e.g., tensorboard) are saved in `bassl/pretrain/logs/<EXPR_NAME>.

(2) Running with various loss combinations
Each objective can be turned on and off independently.

cd <path-to-root>/bassl
PYTHONPATH=${WORK_DIR} python3 ${WORK_DIR}/pretrain/main.py \
    config.EXPR_NAME=${EXPR_NAME} \
    config.LOSS.shot_scene_matching.enabled=true \
    config.LOSS.contextual_group_matching.enabled=true \
    config.LOSS.pseudo_boundary_prediction.enabled=true \

(3) Pre-training shot-level pre-training baselines
Shot-level pre-training methods can be trained by setting config.LOSS.sampling_method.name as one of followings:

  • instance (Simclr_instance), temporal (Simclr_temporal), shotcol (Simclr_NN).
    And, you can choose two more options: bassl (BaSSL), and bassl+shotcol (BaSSL+ShotCoL).
    Below example is for Simclr_NN, i.e., ShotCoL. Choose your favorite option ;)
cd <path-to-root>/bassl
PYTHONPATH=${WORK_DIR} python3 ${WORK_DIR}/pretrain/main.py \
    config.EXPR_NAME=${EXPR_NAME} \
    config.LOSS.sampleing_method.name=shotcol \

3.2. Fine-tuning

(1) Simple running a single command to fine-tune pre-trained models
Firstly, download the checkpoints provided in Model Zoo section and move them into bassl/pretrain/ckpt.

cd <path-to-root>/bassl

# for fine-tuning BaSSL (10 epoch)
bash ../scripts/finetune_bassl.sh

# for fine-tuning Simclr_NN (i.e., ShotCoL)
bash ../scripts/finetune_shot-level_baseline.sh

The full process (i.e., extraction of shot-level representation followed by fine-tuning) is described in below.

(2) Extracting shot-level features from shot key-frames
For computational efficiency, we pre-extract shot-level representation and then fine-tune pre-trained models.
Set LOAD_FROM to EXPR_NAME used in the pre-training stage and change config.DISTRIBUTED.NUM_PROC_PER_NODE as the number of GPUs you can use. Then, the extracted shot-level features are saved in <path-to-root>/bassl/data/movienet/features/<LOAD_FROM>.

cd <path-to-root>/bassl
PYTHONPATH=${WORK_DIR} python3 ${WORK_DIR}/pretrain/extract_shot_repr.py \

(3) Fine-tuning and evaluation

cd <path-to-root>/bassl

# Pre-training methods: bassl and bassl+shotcol
# which learn CRN network during the pre-training stage
PYTHONPATH=${WORK_DIR} python3 ${WORK_DIR}/finetune/main.py \
	config.TRAIN.BATCH_SIZE.effective_batch_size=1024 \
	config.EXPR_NAME=${EXPR_NAME} \
	config.TRAIN.OPTIMIZER.lr.base_lr=0.0000025 \

# Pre-training methods: instance, temporal, shotcol
# which DO NOT learn CRN network during the pre-training stage
# thus, we use different base learning rate (determined after hyperparameter search)
PYTHONPATH=${WORK_DIR} python3 ${WORK_DIR}/finetune/main.py \
	config.TRAIN.BATCH_SIZE.effective_batch_size=1024 \
	config.EXPR_NAME=${EXPR_NAME} \
	config.TRAIN.OPTIMIZER.lr.base_lr=0.000025 \

4. Model Zoo

We provide pre-trained checkpoints trained in a self-supervised manner.
After fine-tuning with the checkpoints, the models will give scroes that are almost similar to ones shown below.

Method AP Checkpoint (pre-trained)
SimCLR (instance) 51.51 download
SimCLR (temporal) 50.05 download
SimCLR (NN) 51.17 download
BaSSL (10 epoch) 56.26 download
BaSSL (40 epoch) 57.40 download

5. Non-official 3rd party apps

6. Citation

If you find this code helpful for your research, please cite our paper.

  title={Boundary-aware Self-supervised Learning for Video Scene Segmentation},
  author={Mun, Jonghwan and Shin, Minchul and Han, Gunsu and
          Lee, Sangho and Ha, Sungsu and Lee, Joonseok and Kim, Eun-sol},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2201.05277},

7. Contact for Issues

Jonghwan Mun, jason.mun@kakaobrain.com
Minchul Shin, craig.starr@kakaobrain.com

8. License

This project is licensed under the terms of the Apache License 2.0. Copyright 2021 Kakao Brain Corp. All Rights Reserved.