Display all of the connections leaving your gateway in real time on a map in your browser!
You need a google maps API key to use the map. Follow instructions here: (its free)
This web server will work for a single machine's traffic, although the best scenario would be a device on your home network receiving all in/out traffic, be it through port mirroring or a network hub.
Simply run the install.sh script as root from the cloned repo repository and follow on-screen instructions!
Multiple methods are possible for sending all of the traffic from your gateway to the device or machine running the connectionmap.
A physical network tap can be placed to passively collect all of the traffic in and out of your router/modem, connectionmap-js will sort connections based on DHCP assigned IP Addresses in your local subnet, so it is important you are collecting traffic routed by your gateway.
With a tap in place the passive machine receiving all traffic must be the same machine running connectionmap-js
If you are using a router with openWRT firmware, or your router has ssh capabilities and iptables, you can set it up like I did with 2 iptables commands. (Thanks to Matīss Eriņš @ www.testdevlab.com)
More on the article here
- The init.sh script will run tcpdump and filter out src and dst ip addresses from all the seen traffic
- The filtered data is piped to the ip_parser script which load balances the work and sends it to the ip_collector.py server
- The ip_collector.py server will add another layer of filtering to ignore the traffic of the host device, and only add connections where the src address exists in the subnet "".
- Every filtered dst ip address has a geo lookup done through freegeoip.net, after every 100 iterations a markers.json file is updated for use by the web server.
- Using a basic apache web service, and some javascript a map is displayed on the web address of the host machine.
- script.js will parse markers.json and add markers to every json objects lat and lng field.
- The page will update every 10 seconds.
- The connectionmap.service file will ensure the grunt work is continually done and handled on startup
- the connectionmapcron cronjob will purge all of the markers once every day.
markers.json is not updating fast enough: Determine the subnet your gateway operates in and set the IPNetwork list in ip_collector.py to a /24 filter instead of a /16 filter and focus on the least significant byte. ( i.e. if your gateway is, set the IPNetwork list to '')
freegeoip.net is returning 404 errors: You are probably doing too many requests, in ip_collector.py set the 'maxlimit' variable to launch a json update every 'maxlimit >> 1' iterations instead.