Document class for french reports
pdflatex modele.tex
bibtex modele
pdflatex modele.tex
You'll have to change the config file according to your specific informations
\tableofcontents[Contents] % Without argument, the title will be 'Sommaire'
\listoffigures[Figures] % Without argument, the title will be 'Liste des figures'
\nocite{*} % Bibliographie
\chapter{Exemple de chapitre}
\section{Exemple de section}
\subsection{Exemple de section}
\subsubsection{Exemple de section}
\figRotate{img/autruche.jpg}{0.4}{Label and caption}{90}
\vspace*{5mm} \begin{lstlisting}
qt(c(0.975), df=9, lower.tail=TRUE)
[1] 2.262157 <br \>
\end{lstlisting} \par