BasketDAO Migrator App


Install Brownie as per the docs.

For testing ensure the testing utils are installed:

$ pipx inject eth-brownie brownie-token-tester ape-safe

If using Pylance with VSCode, you should point the interpreter to the pipx installation

Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + P -> "Select interpreter" -> ~/.local/pipx/venvs/eth-brownie/bin/python

Setup your .env file with:



The deposit works in 3 phases: - 0: accepting deposits (open) - 1: no more deposits accepted (baking) - 2: users can withdraw (done)

The application has an initial state variable of 0 (the default uint8 value).

The msg.sender must be the gov address to change the state.

State 1 can be entered by calling closeEntry(). - You must be in state=0 to call this function State 2 can be entered by calling settle(true). - You must be in state=1 to call this function

You cannot rewind state.

To see an example of the full lifecylce, take a look at tests/e2e/


In state == 0, users can send their BDI to the contract, the governance contract can call closeEntry() to end this phase.

In state 1, the governor can call 4 contract calls:

  1. burnAndUnwrap converts BDI tokens to their underlying assets
  2. execSwaps swaps the underlying BDI assets for WETH, using the multisig.
  3. bake converts WETH to DEFI++
  4. settle computes the exchange rate between BDI deposited and DEFI++ to be redeemed, for the holders. Call settle(true) to end the baking phase and move to phase 2.

(The script to execute the execSwaps action is

Finally, in state 2, BDI token holders can call exit to redeem for DEFI++ at the given rate.


  • What is the purpose of the deadline in external functions?
  • The bake script needs AMOUNT_OUT to be set