
⛩️ WarsawJS Workshop #41 — JavaScript (Basic Level)

Primary LanguageJavaScript


⛩️ WarsawJS Workshop #41 — JavaScript (Basic Level)

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What subjects can you learn after doing this project?

  • ✅ Variables (var, let, const)
  • ✅ Data Types (string, number, array)
  • ✅ Operators (++, ===, <)
  • ✅ Functions (Function Declaration, Method Shorthand Definition)
  • ✅ Arrays
  • ✅ Objects
  • ✅ Conditions (if)
  • ✅ Loops (for, forEach)
  • ✅ Error Handling (try...catch)
  • ⚠️ Falsy Values (false, 0, '', NaN, null, undefined)
  • ⚠️ JSON
  • ⚠️ BOM — Browser Object Model
  • ✅ Date
  • ⚠️ Math
  • ✅ Clocks (setTimeout, setInterval)
  • ✅ Comments
  • ✅ DOM Elements (ClassList API)

Step by step 👣

Display photos

  • EDIT: scripts/main.js
  • EDIT: index.html
    • Link a main.js file by script tag
  • EDIT: scripts/main.js
    • Create function main()
    • Create list of different URLs to photos
    • Create loop for
    • Create HTMLImageElement for each array item


  • EDIT: scripts/main.js
    • Create function renderPhoto()
      • With for loop content
    • Create function renderPhotos()
      • Use Array.prototype.forEach
    • Change structure of photos
      • Switch from URL to object with url property

Handle empty photos

  • EDIT: scripts/main.js
    • Create function displayMessage()
      • TALK: innerHTML, innerText, textContent
      • Use simple strategy with textContent
      • Use complex strategy with innerHTML with Bulma component
    • Create function displayEmptyGalleryMessage()
    • Add condition if an array is empty
    • Comment content of photos collection

Handler errors

  • EDIT: scripts/main.js
    • Add null as next element of photos
    • Add try...catch to catch Uncaught TypeError
      • Cannot read property 'url' of null


  • EDIT: images/loader.gif
  • EDIT: scripts/loader.js
    • Create object loader with functions: show(), hide()
  • EDIT: index.html
    • Link a loader.js file by script tag
  • EDIT: scripts/loader.js
    • Funkcja show()
      • Get reference to outlet container
      • Create HTMLElement
    • Funkcja hide()
      • Remove HTMLElement from DOM
  • EDIT: scripts/main.js
    • Invoke loader.show() and the beginning
    • Invoke loader.hide() before rendering use setTimeout

Display current time

  • EDIT: scripts/main.js
    • Create function displayCurrentTime()
    • Use setInterval() to render time on each second



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