
⛩️ WarsawJS Workshop #43 — JavaScript (Intermediate Level)

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


⛩️ WarsawJS Workshop #43 — JavaScript (Intermediate Level)

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Project is based on:


  • ✅ Tooling: Prettier + Jest + http-server
  • ✅ Modules (4: IIFE, AMD, CommonJS, ESM)
  • ✅ Classes
  • ✅ Tooling: Webpack + webpack-dev-server
  • ✅ Promise API
  • ✅ Fetch API
  • ✅ RegExp

Step by step 👣



  • IIFE, 1999
  • CommonJS, 2009
  • AMD, 2010
  • ECMAScript Module, 2015



  • [Functions] Create function which will be a component constructor
  • [Class] Convert previous function to a class
    • File: src/components/component.js
    • Requirements:
      • Component could be render
      • Component should have a template
  • [Class][getter]
    • Requirements:
      • Template should be a field which can be only "get"
  • [Class][static]
    • Requirements:
      • Product should have image inside
  • [Class][extends] Create component: Product
    • File: src/components/product.js
    • Requirements:
      • It should have class "product" on top of the DOM
  • [Class][super] Create component: Cart
    • File: src/components/cart.js
    • Requirements:
      • This module should have a list of products (initial empty)
  • [Loop] Iteration through list of products

03-Promise API

  • [Promise.resolve]
    • Adding product should based on Promise
  • [Promise.reject]
    • Adding non-product should finish failure
  • [Async/await]
  • Error handling: try...catch

04-Fetch API

  • [window.fetch]
  • new [Response]
  • [isomorphic-fetch]
  • Fixtures


  • Tasks
    • When Product name has "er" string, do not add it to Cart and display Toast with error message
  • [RegExp#test]
  • Parts:
    • [Quantifiers]: *, +, ?, {n}
    • [Matchers]: ., \w, \d, \n
  • https://regex101.com/


npm run build # generate dist/
npm run watch # generate dist/ & listen for changes
npm run dev   # do not generate anything & listen for changes

Unit tests

npm test
npm test -- test/specs/XX # XX => 01...05

Code coverage

npm run coverage

🤝 Contributing

Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!

Feel free to check issues page.


The MIT License @ 2020