
Wiki for Udacity Google India Challenge Scholarship 2018 :mortar_board: Android Basics Course :ledger:

🎓 🎓 Wiki - Android Basics Track 🎓 🎓

A Udacity Google India Challenge Scholarship 2018 student initiative

A wiki 📒 for Udacity Google India Challenge Scholarship 2018 Android Basics Track.

Archived Slack Messages Discussion Forums New Workspace for all
Slarck Forums to be updated after May 29th
Student Profiles -- LinkedIn & Github
Collective List for Phase 1 - Add yours too
Phase 2 Student Profiles


# Activity Name Activity Goal Moderator Results
1 The Grand Holi Challenge The Challenge was to submit an app idea based on Android Basics Scholarships content. Chandrakant Results Sheet
2 Github Challenge One In this challenge there will be a project containing bugs and errors. You have to solely fix them up and find the best possible way to make the application run. After you have successfully fixed it, you have to materialize it, and showcase in #showcase channel. Ojasvi Bhargava, Apoorva Tiwari, Kartik Shandilya -
3 Github Activity One It was an activity to teach how to fork a repository and send pull requests. The ones whose names are added, sent a successful pull request Ojasvi Bhargava Results List
4 Github Activity Two Activity to create a new repository, add a README to it, enter contents related to Android or description of any app you made in this scholarship, and create a GitHub page out of it. Ojasvi Bhargava Results Sheet
5 Copy Layout Competition Create a replicated layout of any popular apps and upload the project on github. No functionality is required. Projects are judged on basis of layout similarity only. Prasad Bankar Submissions Sheet
6 Quiz App with clean-code Competition is about creating a Quiz or Trivia Application with Clean and High Quality Code Ikram Mohammad Submissions Sheet
7 Landing Page Competition Make a "Landing Page Template" for any app which you’ve already built or you can pick one from Play Store to your wild creativity. Apoorva Tiwari Submissions Sheet

Collaborative Projects



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