- 0
Capturing a photo is not working, but video is
#345 opened by holgersindbaek - 0
- 1
Capture from both cameras simultaneously
#344 opened by cahernanz - 0
on ios7.x crash help me thx
#341 opened by jsonwang - 0
Cannot remove an observer
#342 opened by xuming120 - 0
- 4
How capture slow-mo with PBJVision ?
#334 opened by Briahas - 2
Frame loss at capturing start
#335 opened by Briahas - 1
- 2
Stuck recording when switching cameras
#316 opened by prokopiev-cr - 1
Separate Mirroring Modes for Preview vs Capture?
#322 opened by patgoley - 2
PBJMediaWriter crash on endVideoCapture
#323 opened by dimovskidamjan - 0
iPhone 7
#327 opened by arthurbelair - 1
AVCaptureDeviceFormats are not used unless setVideoFrameRate happens after setCurrentDevice
#302 opened by tettoffensive - 0
Add extra content to the video
#303 opened by antoescu - 1
Crash NSInternalInconsistencyException
#304 opened by kocoai - 0
How to write video with HEIGHT > WIDTH
#305 opened by belakva - 2
PBJFocusModeContinuousAutoFocus appears not to be working when the camera mode is set to PBJCameraModeVideo
#306 opened by sasojadrovski - 7
- 0
- 1
Setting the frame for the preview layer results in incorrect frame settings
#301 opened by danipralea - 2
- 3
Library create problem for ios 10
#330 opened by sachin19jan - 3
Text in capture video
#343 opened by kleruk - 3
- 1
- 2
Deployment target
#337 opened by jardamach - 1
"currentDevice.torchAvailable" crash
#313 opened by tettoffensive - 2
AVCaptureSession can't stopRunning between calls to beginConfiguration / commitConfiguration
#314 opened by tettoffensive - 1
change device back and front delay badly
#317 opened by youxigit - 1
Upgraded library not working
#331 opened by monish152 - 2
- (void)captureOutput:(AVCaptureOutput *)captureOutput didOutputSampleBuffer:(CMSampleBufferRef)sampleBuffer fromConnection:(AVCaptureConnection *)connection
#329 opened by WANGNEWMAN - 4
- 6
Expose _captureSession.automaticallyConfiguresApplicationAudioSession property
#308 opened by CAMOBAP - 1
Capturing video - wrong orientation
#318 opened by LtrDan - 0
Restart Video capture
#320 opened by hirenpanchal1608 - 1
iOS 10 issues
#325 opened by mrvitalya - 1
- 1
Bad access using didCaptureVideoSampleBuffer
#319 opened by cdiscla - 1
NewBie QUestion
#311 opened by redroostertech - 1
Does PBJVision support RTMP ??
#310 opened by chinnuios - 3
- 0
assetWrite.status AVAssetWriterStatusUnknown
#299 opened by niuguoning - 1
*** -[AVAssetWriterInput markAsFinished] Cannot call method when status is 2
#289 opened by huofuxiang - 1
maximumCaptureDuration is not precise
#295 opened by ataranlen - 1
- 5
- 1
How to play the Landscape Video in portrait mode.
#297 opened by ajay2c9 - 1
- 1
Crash with gpus_ReturnNotPermittedKillClient when entering background in app that allows background processing.
#294 opened by sanielfishawy