
Update your Scala dependencies interactively

Primary LanguageScala


Update your Scala dependencies (both libraries and plugins) interactively. Video Demo.


  1. Build the native image with show graalvm-native-image:packageBin.
sbt 'show graalvm-native-image:packageBin'
# [info] ~/code/sbt-interactive-update/target/graalvm-native-image/scala-interactive-update
  1. Move the generated binary onto your PATH.


Run the binary from within an sbt project folder.


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The commands are displayed at the bottom of the interactive output.

Select the libraries you wish to update, then hit Enter to update your build files to the selected versions.

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Grouped Depenendcies

If multiple dependencies share a single version, they will be grouped.

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Multiple Versions

If a dependency has multiple possible update version—for instance, a new major version and a new minor version—then you can select which version to upgrade to.

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How did you make the interactive CLI?

I have another library, zio-tui, for creating interactive command line interactive programs just like this one.