
This project is slated for students as a practical assessment for PHP & MySQL.

Primary LanguagePHP


<<<<<<< HEAD

This project is slated for students as a practical assessment for PHP & MySQL.


PHP MySQL Functional Assessment

This project will be slated to assess student progress/learning based on the material driven from the Head First, PHP & MySQL textbook.

The chapters which have been covered so far are 1-6. Each chapter is outlined below, focusing on specific tasks which must be exhibited in each student’s project.

A repository will be created with detailed instructions located in the .README file.

Project guidelines - build the interface for a subscription service… this could be a online magazine, a storefront, or a third-party service like Lucidchart, etc. You must decide on the product you wish to be offering, but if you need ideas, you have the INTERNET!

You can decide what information you would like to collect from the user, i.e. email, username, password, etc. However, you must also be able to provide them with access to the service once they have signed up for it and been approved by the site administrator (you!) The user must be sent a confirmation email once they register, there must be a launch page which is the portal to the actual service you are providing (where the user will log in), and at minimum (admin. only) approve and delete a user… but if you want to go big and be a 1%er, the administrator should be able to edit any and all user information.

The site must be clean, organized and have a functional layout. It must have color, graphics and readable text. Motion graphics and JQuery slides are highly encouraged. Interactivity, like form validation, through JavaScript is essential.

Last but not least… YOU MUST USE PDO!

Chapter 1

Basic form and sending an email, process user input

Chapter 2

Create a database, save user input into the database

Chapter 3

Create tables with unique rows and columns and a Primary Key, retrieve and save data from the database, utilize for loops to display results, allow user to delete data from the database

Chapter 4

Form validation, combine PHP and HTML into a single page (merge files and use flags), use primary keys for database operations

Chapter 5

File uploads, file type validation, hidden input elements, moving files, file/directory management, shared scripts, add admin pages, deletion confirmation messages, use $_FILES, $_GET and $_POST superglobals

Chapter 6

Use $_SERVER superglobal for authentication, header manipulation, consolidated authentication, include approval methods for submissions, utilize type validation in forms,