
Angular2 starter repo built solely with ES6+ and JSPM.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Angular2 Starter

A ready-to-go starter project for Angular (2.0.1) apps using ES6/7+ through Babel and module loading using JSPM. Completely TypeScript-less, yet very syntactically similar which means official Angular examples can be translated with little to no changes.

git clone https://github.com/piercers/angular2-starter.git

npm install

npm start

Includes Angular examples of:

  • Child components
  • The Async and JSON pipes
  • Data flow between components
  • Events
  • NgModules
  • RxJS integration

Hot Reloading

To enable hot reloading of this project:

  1. jspm install --dev systemjs-hot-reloader
  2. Add to top of index.js: import 'systemjs-hot-reloader/default-listener.js';
  3. Add trace: true to the browserConfig entry inside of jspm.config.js.
  4. npm install -g chokidar-socket-emitter and run chokidar-socket-emitter.
  5. npm run start-hot

This creates a JSPM bundle of your files which means your code is no longer served directly from your source files. To undo this process, run jspm unbundle and restart the project with npm start.

While developing with the hot reloader, each time you refresh your browser, the code that gets loaded is from the point at which you ran npm run start-hot. When you save a file, the chokidar-socket-emitter injects all new code into the browser which means you might need to save a file after refreshing so you get your latest code.