
JSON to DOM, JSON to HTML, fast, powerful and lightweight DOM/HTML generation from JSON

Primary LanguageJavaScript

## toDOM - fast and lightweight DOM generation

You :

  • Do not like <html>
  • Love javascript
  • Want performance
  • Are tired of document.createElement

Here is toDOM :

var toDOM = sand.require("toDOM/toDOM");

var scope = {};

var el = toDOM({
	attr : { className : 'my_class' },
	events : {
		click : function() {
			console.log('div clicked');
  children : [{
  		tag : 'p',
  		label : 'myParagraph',
  		innerHTML : 'Hello',
	    style : {
	    	backgroundColor : '#000'
}, scope);


Will create the following :

	<div class="my_class">
		<p style="background-color:#000">

With a console.log on click and a reference of the <p> DOM element in scope :

	scope.myParagraph //  domElement
	scope.myParagraph.innerHTML // 'Hello'

Usage in object oriented javascript :

var View = function(o) {
	if (o.domDescription) {

View.prototype = {
	buildEl : function(domDescription) {
		this.el = toDOM(domDescription, this);

var myView = new View({
	domDescription : {
		tag : 'p',
		children : [
				label : 'helloEl',
				innerHTML : 'hello!'

myView.el // DOM element
myView.helloEl // DOM element
myView.helloEl.innerHTML // 'hello!'

Also :

  • Default tag is 'div'
  • toDOM is defined with sandjs module manager, so you can use it with requirejs if you want to


With NPM

$ npm install toDOM

in your script add



    <script src="path/to/toDOM.merged.js">


    <script src="path/to/toDOM.min.js">

Basic Usage

You can use sandjs synthax to write both client and server-side code. see sandjs for more informations on sand.js.

	 var S = sand.require("Seed/Seed", function(r){
		 var S = r.Seed;
		 /* code */

see How to require a sandjs module for more ways to require toDOM


run tests

$ npm test

test uses sandcli and run on server-side with vowsjs sandcli provides a test command


see Documentation


  • Make tests on both client-side and server-side
  • Make a demo
  • Debug toDjson
  • Compile documentation form JSDoc
  • Make performances tests


Add an issue if you find bugs or please

  • Fork me
  • Add your tests
  • Make your contribution
  • Pass all the tests
  • Add a pull request
