Contract-Based Goal Graph
The tool helps the designer model and deploy robotic missions using contracts. The designer can model the environment, and the goals that the robot must achieve using LTL or Specification Patterns. The tool analyze the goals, build the CGG (a graph of contracts) and realize the controllers via reactive synthesis and simulate the robotic mission.
Documentation available here.
We use pdm to most of the dependencies, and conda. Make sure they are installed on your system.
To setup the environment, simply run:
make setup
The setup script will:
- Pull all the submodule dependencies
- Install all the dependecies via pdm
- Create a new conda environment and isntall the conda dependencies
NOTE: If it fails for some reason, you'll need to install PDM manually.
You can install it with:
python3 -m pip install --user pipx pipx install pdmNow you can try running
make setup
again, or simplypdm install
NOTE: Conda for Mac with Apple Silicon
Some of the packages in conda do not support arm64 architecture. To install all the dependencies correctly on a Mac with Apple Silicon, make sure that you are running conda for x86_64 architecture.
You can install miniconda for MacOSX x86_64 by running the following commands
curl -L >
conda activate ./.venv
NOTE: Working with PEP 582 With PEP 582, dependencies will be installed into pypackages directory under the project root. With PEP 582 enabled globally, you can also use the project interpreter to run scripts directly. Check pdm documentation on PEP 582. To configure VSCode to support PEP 582, open
(create one if it does not exist) and add the following entries:{ "python.autoComplete.extraPaths": ["__pypackages__/3.10/lib"], "python.analysis.extraPaths": ["__pypackages__/3.10/lib"] }
Check the examples
Run make help
to see all the available commands
You can directly run the project by running the docker image on any platform
docker run -it --platform linux/x86_64 pmallozzi/crome-cgg:latest
To build the image you can run the following command
docker buildx build --platform linux/x86_64 -t [DOCKERUSERNAME]/[PROJECT]:[TAG] --push .
- Fully typed with annotations and checked with mypy, PEP561 compatible