
Adaptation of DiffusionDet to the Few-Shot Regime

Primary LanguagePythonOtherNOASSERTION

Few-Shot DiffusionDet: Improving Few-Shot and Cross-Domain Object Detection on Aerial Images with a Diffusion-Based Detector

Few-Shot DiffusionDet is an adaptation of DiffusionDet in the few-shot regime. It provides sensible improvements on aerial few-shot object detection. The few-shot training strategy can be summarized as follows:

  1. Train the DiffusionDet in a regular manner on the base classes.
  2. Replace the last classification layer with a randomly initialized layer matching the number of novel classes.
  3. Freeze the model (partly)
  4. Reset the optimizer and learning rate scheduler.
  5. Train the model on the novel classes with only the few available examples.

Getting started

As Few-Shot DiffusionDet is based on DiffusionDet, it requires Python ≥ 3.6, PyTorch ≥ 1.9.0 and corresponding Torchvision, and OpenCV. A few other libraries are required and listed in requirements.txt, which can be installed through:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Data preparation and loading

Datasets must be registered inside the diffusiondet/data/local_catalog.py file. This file should contain a dictionnary for each registered dataset as follows:

dota_dict = {'root_path': '/path/to/datasets/DOTA/coco_format/',
                'name': 'DOTA',
                'splits': ['train', 'test', 'val'],
                'class_split_file': '/path/to/datasets/DOTA/coco_format/classes_split.txt'}

Splits should match the folder names containing the images for each data split. It should also match the name of the annotation files, as in the COCO format (annotations_%SPLIT%.json).

class_split_file refers to simple text file containing two lines that splits the classes of the dataset in two groups: base classes (train_classes) and novel classes (test_classes). This file is mandatory in the few-shot regime.



Several configuration parameters have been added to DiffusionDet to deal with the Few-Shot Regime:

Parameter name  Description
TRAIN_MODE 'regular' for regular training, 'simplefs' for few-shot training (2 stages).
FEWSHOT.K_SHOT  Number of shots used during fine-tuning on novel classes.
FEWSHOT.N_CLASSES_TEST  Number of novel classes.
FEWSHOT.SPLIT_METHOD  Select how base and novel classes should be split before training. Can be set to deterministic (use class_split file), rng or all_novel (for cross-domain)
FINETUNE.CROSS_DOMAIN  Number of novel classes.
FINETUNE.NOVEL_ONLY  Specify if fine-tuning should be done on the novel classes only or all classes.
FINETUNE.CROSS_DOMAIN  Specify a distinct behavior for Cross-Domain (no base-training).
FINETUNE.N_CLASSES_TEST  Number of novel classes.
FINETUNE.MODEL_FREEZING.BACKBONE_AT Freeze backbone up to stage i
FINETUNE.MODEL_FREEZING.BACKBONE_MODE Specify which weights should be frozen 'all' for all parameters, 'norm' and 'bias' for all except norm and bias parameters.
FINETUNE.MODEL_FREEZING.MODULES Specify which part of the model can be frozen, 'backbone' or 'head'.
FINETUNE.MODEL_FREEZING.HEAD_ALL Freeze either all the detection head but the last layer or train all the head.


Single experiment

Training FSDiffusionDet can be launched using train_net.py:

python train_net.py --num-gpus 8 \
    --config-file configs/finetuning/diffdet.dota.res50.yaml

Batched studies

Batched experiments can also be started with the script launch_experiments.py. A study gather several experiments and can be specified in study config file as in configs/studies/study_example.json. It can be launched similarly:

python launch_experiment.py --num-gpus 8 \
    --config-file configs/studies/study_example.json

The study file contains a dictionnary with two entries: names and studies. Both should contain lists of the same size. names contains the list of the study's names, while studies contains the study parameters as a dictionnary, for instance:

        "CFG_FILE": "configs/finetuning/diffdet.dota.res50.yaml",
        "MODEL.DiffusionDet.NUM_PROPOSALS" :[200, 250]

Each parameter should be either a list of values or a single values. If more than one parameter is specified as a list, the different list should have the same size and it will define the number of experiments that will be launched. Experiment n will use the parameter values n inside the respective list for the list-specified params and the single value for the other parameters.

Distinct folders will be created for each study with several subfolders for each experiment within the study.

Application to Cross-Domain Few-Shot Object Detection

To apply FSDiffusionDet to Cross-Domain scenario, three parameters must be set correctly:

  • FEWSHOT.SPLIT_METHOD = 'all_novel'
  • ``SOLVER.MAX_ITER = 0`

The Cross-Domain training is done as a fine-tuning only, on all classes of the dataset. A base-trained model should be specified with MODEL.WEIGHTS, this model should have been trained in a regular fashion on a different beforehand.