OpenGL project made for a University class. It's a stickman that is able to move some of its body parts: head, arms, legs, torso. It is somewhat flexible as every arm and leg has 3 junctions each.


  • Select a body part pressing one number between 1-6
  • Move a segment of the selected body part by pressing a letter:
    • 'A' or 'Z': upper segment, clockwise and counter-clockwise, respectively. (head and torso only have this segment)
    • 'S' or 'X': middle segment, clockwise and counter-clockwise, respectively.
    • 'D' or 'C': lower segment, clockwise and counter-clockwise, respectively.

This uses feeglut, OpenGL and C++. It shows how to position the camera, play with the viewport, handle translations and rotations while nesting matrixes to make independent and dependent transformations.

To compile:

  • Add freeglut's lib and include folders to your compiler's lib and include directories.
  • Compile as you would normally do.