
A fairly minimal file picker & drop area which aims to stay out of the way of your application.

Primary LanguageVue


A fairly minimal file picker & drop area which aims to stay out of the way of your application.

Demo here

We handle

You handle

  • What happens after files are recieved, eg
    • uploading
    • presentation of the UI


npm install vue-file-picker --save



Name Type Default Description
id string (required) null id of the wrapping div
accept string details */* A string that defines the file types the file input should accept
allowMultiple boolean details false Allows the user to select more than one file


Name Description
icon Something to display above the label, eg an i or svg
label A string to display as the label


Name Description
vfp-file-added(FileList) Triggered by the addition of a file/s, recieves an FileList as the argument.