
Solve water sort puzzles in Julia

Primary LanguageJuliaMIT LicenseMIT

Water sort puzzle solver in Julia

WaterSortPuzzle.jl is a Julia package to represent, analyze and solve so-called “water sort” puzzles (sometimes also called “ball sort”) that got popular around 2021–2022.

If you haven't tried this game, a version can be played free of charge on https://www.coolmathgames.com/0-lipuzz-water-sort

Package installation

In a the Julia command line (REPL), enter the package mode by pressing ] and type the package installation command:

add https://github.com/pierre-haessig/WaterSortPuzzle.jl.git


See the demo_WaterSortPuzzle.jl example script.

Related programs

You can find several other Water sort puzzle solvers on Github, see https://github.com/search?q=water%20sort&type=repositories. Most popular ones seems to be written in Go. However, this solver was inspired by Raymond Hettinger presentation at US Pycon 2019.