
Contacts birthday calendar app for Firefox OS

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Birthdays App

A simple Firefox OS app which displays the birthdays of the user contacts.

This opensource app is freely available under a BSD license, copyright Pierre Haessig. Note that the source tree includes gaia style files included in the css/style directory. These styling files are distributed by the Mozilla Foundation under an Apache 2.0 license (https://github.com/mozilla-b2g/gaia/blob/master/LICENSE).


All contacts which have a birthday appear in a month/day list:


Current month is highlighted:


Contact can be opened with a click, to whish them a happy birthday with a call or a text message:


Background information

I primarily created this app to discover some specifities of Firefox OS apps development. These specifities are:

  • Web API for reading the list of contacts
  • Web Activity API for opening a contact
  • Gaia style, for header and lists


  • Italian and Esperanto translations by Michael Moroni @Airon90
  • Birthday notification using alarms by Aurélien Manca @noreiller
  • German translation improvement by Michael Müller (via email)