
tools for the French electricity market historical data set "éco2mix"

Primary LanguagePython

RTE éCO2mix tools

Various simple tools to play with the RTE éco2mix data : a set of publicly available tables about the French electricty market, provided by the French Transmission system operator (TSO) RTE.

Original data source [FR] : RTE's website

http://www.rte-france.com/fr/developpement-durable/eco2mix http://www.rte-france.com/fr/developpement-durable/eco2mix/telechargement-de-donnees

About the data

Data is available as 15 minutes averages. The richness of the content increases over time :

  • starting June 24th, 2000, consumption + D-1 forecast is available
  • starting July 8th, 2010, production data is also available (detailed by production means : nuclear, hydro, wind, ...)

Note : RTE does't guarantee this data to be accurate. It is provided for "informative" purpose only.

Note2 : starting December 2012, RTE moved to "éCO2mix v2" file format, described in "specifications_fichiers_eco2mix_V2.pdf" [FR]


Tools available in this "package" :

  • RTE_eCO2mix_download.py download data files from RTE's website
  • RTE_eCO2mix_analyze.py analyze the content of those files, because they are not homogenous

Analysis examples

located in the dedicated subdirectory analysis_examples

  • elec_consumption.py plots the weekly consumption average over the 2000 - 2012 period. It also finds the consumption records over this period.


  • elec_production_mix.py plots the electricity production mix (that is, the amount of power generated by each technology) over the 2010 - 2012 period
  • load_duration.py plots the Load Duration Curve for France, over the 2001-2011 period.



These simple software tools are freely available under a standard BSD license.

Pierre Haessig -- 2012