

Create your own AuthorizationManager. in this class, in the method

public boolean isAuthorized(Permission permission, Resource resource, String resourceId) {
    final Authentication currentAuthentication = getCurrentAuthentication();"isAuthorized: Permission{} Resource:{} resourceid{} userId{}", permission.getName(), resource.resourceName(),
        resourceId, currentAuthentication.getUserId());

Decide, for the resource and the user, your strategy. Throw an exception if the operation is not allowed for a user.

Visit src/main/java/org/camunda/authorization/

Register your AuthorizationService

To register your service, use the plugIn feature. Create a plug in, extend the ProcessEnginePlugin, and in the pre-init, register your service.

public class AuthorizationPlugIn implements ProcessEnginePlugin {

To override the default Authorization, use the ShadowManagerFactory

   * This class is used to shadow an existing service. it overrides a class, and return the new one. 
  public class ShadowManagerFactory extends GenericManagerFactory {

    Class<?> overrideClass;
    ShadowManagerFactory(Class<?> overrideClass, Class<? extends Session> replaceClass) {
      this.overrideClass = overrideClass;
    public Class<?> getSessionType() {
      return overrideClass;

and register the BlueAuthorization

listSessionFactory.add( new ShadowManagerFactory(AuthorizationManager.class, BlueAuthorization.class));

Then, and access to the AuthorizationManager return your class.

Visit src/main/java/org/camunda/authorization/

Other resources org.camunda.bpm.engine. interface AuthorizationService