
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Parismap client


each mouse interaction state updates the marker class

  • marker off: normal state, non focused
  • marker on: when dragging, is the one at the center of the map
  • marker full: when mouse released, marker become fullscreen


you need

  • npm

  • bower (sudo npm install -g bower)

  • npm install && bower install


  • grunt



keytool -genkey -v -keystore parismapstore.keystore -alias parismapkey -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 10000


if you really want to be part of the system



Both refactored parismap client and server are LGPL Licensed

Ploufmap options

var p = Ploufmap(options)

  • markers

    • can either be: [from our parismap server] which marker type will be fetched from server. and wich icon 'type' [aka msg,evt] it will have
    • can either be: [from an external geojson feed]: the geojson feed(s) address and their marker 'type'
  • ploufEndpoint=/p/get|/p/zoomed (please see server)

    • /p/get all ploufs within the given rectangle
    • /p/zoomed all ploufs with a onZoom property to set their opacity depending on zoom
  • zoomClustering=true|false to set opacity of ploufs based on onZoom property of fetched ploufs

Styling markers

  • .focused: when dragging around, mouseouver
  • .opened: class when clicked, centered
  • .template: just add this class to make an element take the fullscreen