
This is just a simple test on the 'new' mapping functionality of GitHub


This is just a simple test on the 'new' mapping functionality of GitHub, described in the help and the blog

These are the testfiles:

  • spec_data.geojson ... contains all geometries of the GeoJSON specification

  • spec_data.topojson ... same data as above, but as a topojson-file --> the corresponding command: topojson -p -o spec_data.topojson spec_data.geojson

  • individual_markers.geojson ... testing all the individual marker-style-definitions, that are possible (described in the help)

  • lines.json ... contains 3 different linestrings with different semantics:

    • street
    • river
    • navigation_route
  • featCollTest.json ... contains the 3 linestrings taken from 'lines.json', but here they are stored as a single FeatureClass within the major FeatureClass

  • featCollTest2.json ... based on 'featCollTest.json', without the major (surrounding) FeatureClass ... this is just to test if that syntax works

  • geojsonarray.json & geojsonarray2.json... same test as in the previous two, but with more simple contents

    • geojsonarray.json --> no major FeatureClass
    • geojsonarray2.json --> with a major FeatureClass

Just click them and you will see the corresponding data on a map!