AtyImo implements a mixture of deterministic and probabilistic routines for data linkage. initially developed in 2013 to serve as a linkage tool supporting a joint Brazil–U.K. project aiming at building a large population-based cohort with data from more than 100 million participants and producing disease-specific data to facilitate diverse epidemiological research studies.
Java 8+, Spark 2.1.x, gcc
- Edit the file
- edit the line "export PATH=$PATH:/path/to/spark/bin" using the location of Apache Spark's installation
- Use the '' script to execute the atyimo.
Robespierre Pita and Clicia Pinto and Marcos Barreto and Spiros Denaxas
- University College London, Denaxas Lab (
PITA, Robespierre et al. On the accuracy and scalability of probabilistic data linkage over the Brazilian 114 million cohort. IEEE journal of biomedical and health informatics, v. 22, n. 2, p. 346-353, 2018.
Pita R., Mendonça E., Reis S., Barreto M., Denaxas S. (2017) A Machine Learning Trainable Model to Assess the Accuracy of Probabilistic Record Linkage. In: Bellatreche L., Chakravarthy S. (eds) Big Data Analytics and Knowledge Discovery. DaWaK 2017. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 10440. Springer.
PITA, Robespierre; PINTO, Clicia; MELO, Pedro; Silva, Malu; BARRETO, Marcos; RASELLA, Davide. (2015) A Spark-based workflow for probabilistic record linkage of healthcare data. Workshop on Algorithms and Systems for MapReduce and Beyond (BeyondMR - EDBT/ICDT 2015), Brussels.
PINTO, Clicia; PITA, Robespierre; BARBOSA, George; ARAÚJO, Bruno; BERTOLDO, Juracy; SENA, Samila; REIS, Sandra; FIACCONE, Rosemeire; AMORIM, Leila; ICHIHARA, Maria Yuri; BARRETO, Mauricio; BARRETO, Marcos; DENAXAS, Spiros. Probabilistic integration of large Brazilian socioeconomic and clinical databases. 30th IEEE International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems (CBMS 2017), Thessaloniki, 2017.
PINTO, Clicia; BORATTO, Murilo; ALONSO, Pedro; BARRETO, Marcos. Scaling probabilistic record linkage on multicore and multi-GPU system. 17th International Conference on Computational and Mathematical Methods in Science and Engineering (CMMSE 2017), Cadiz, 2017