We're really happy that you want to be on our team! But first, make sure to apply on our opening!

React Challenge

The challenge consists on a landing page capable of generating a functional, shortened link based on an input of a URL. This project will evaluate the developer' skills and code quality when transforming a layout in a functional prototype, along with the backend and frontend properly separated.

The URL shortener must be implemented at the backend together with a validator, which must be able to indicate if the generated link is actually working. The communication between backend and frontend must be handled by a RESTful API, where the results will be shown.

It's expected that on top of shortening a URL, we are also able to keep an access count, so each time the URL is accessed, we can track a list of these accumulated values and rank the URLs properly.

All data must be saved on a database.


  • Using this repository, work on the challenge by creating a branch with your name (example: name-surname).
  • A considerable part of your goal deals with transforming the mockup into a working prototype.
  • On your project, create a repository called 'project'. All files that you create must be inside this folder.
  • When you're done with your challenge, open a Merge Request with your changes.


  • The frontend must be developed using the React framework
  • The backend must be developed using the Node.js framework



  • Fantasy #f9f2f2
  • Radical Red #f6435d
  • Chicago #605c5c
  • Lavender Blush #fff0f2

Good luck! Create a new issue if you have any question! ;)