
Primary LanguageShellApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


You must install: docker, docker-compose and cfssl/cfssljson (https://github.com/cloudflare/cfssl)

You can Install CFSSL/CFSSLJSON with following commands:

wget https://github.com/cloudflare/cfssl/releases/download/v1.6.1/cfssljson_1.6.1_linux_amd64
mv cfssljson_1.6.1_linux_amd64 /bin/cfssljson
chmod +x /bin/cfssljson
wget https://github.com/cloudflare/cfssl/releases/download/v1.6.1/cfssl_1.6.1_linux_amd64
mv cfssl_1.6.1_linux_amd64 /bin/cfssl
chmod +x /bin/cfssl

You also need : git, openssl, envsubst, bash (But these packages are usually already installed on Linux OS)

Get the stack:

git clone https://github.com/pierreilki/IaC.git
cd IaC

Can be launched with :

NEXUS_DOMAIN_NAME=nexus.local.lan JENKINS_DOMAIN_NAME=jenkins.local.lan GITLAB_DOMAIN_NAME=gitlab.local.lan ./init.sh
docker-compose up -d

This script will ask you for domains used to publish Nexus, Jenkins and Gitlab URLs. Domain names are needed to configure/generate HTTPs certs/keys and Nginx Proxy redirects.

Note: By default, PKI certs will also trust your devops host IP according to "hostname -i" commande. You can change the default IP by adding HOST_IP=[YOUR_IP} variable

Can be totally destroyed with:


Get InitialJenkins Password:

cat /var/lib/docker/volumes/iac_jenkins_data/_data/secrets/initialAdminPassword


Get InitialGitlab Password:

cat /var/lib/docker/volumes/iac_gitlab_config/_data/initial_root_password

Default user: root URL: https://${GITLAB_DOMAIN_NAME}

IF you don't install your PKI CA/INTER-FULL-CHAIN crt on your host:

git -c http.sslVerify=false clone https://${GITLAB_DOMAIN_NAME}/YOUR_GIT_REPO


git config --global http.sslVerify false

Get Nexus Password

cat /var/lib/docker/volumes/iac_nexus_data/_data/admin.password

Default user: admin URL: https://${NEXUS_DOMAIN_NAME}

Deploy ETCD

docker run -d --name etcd-server \
    --publish 2379:2379 \
    --publish 2380:2380 \

Trust CA for your Host and browser

If you wanna validate PKI certs on your host, juste install the 2 following certs as "trusterd CA certs" on your host !
