
This repository is used for uploading exercises from EBAC

Primary LanguageCSS

Simple To Do List



This project is a simple To-Do List web application. It allows users to add tasks, clear all tasks, and displays the list of tasks. The interface includes a header with a title and an icon, a form to add new tasks, a list to display tasks, and a footer with the creator's name and a project title. The application uses HTML for structure, CSS for styling, and jQuery for dynamic functionality such as adding and clearing tasks.

Query Features Explored:

  • Event Handling: $('#add-task').on('click', function(e){...}) attaches a click event handler to the "Add a task" button, specifying a function to execute when the button is clicked.

  • Preventing Default Behavior: e.preventDefault(); prevents the default behavior of the form submission, which would cause the page to reload.

  • Creating Elements: const newList= $('

  • '); creates a new list item element with the class "task-item".

  • Appending Elements: $(newList).appendTo('#space-tasks'); appends the newly created list item to the task list (#space-tasks).

  • DOM Traversal and Manipulation: $(this).siblings('h3'); selects the sibling h3 element of the clicked checkbox, allowing for manipulation of its styles.

CSS Concepts Implemented:

  • Layout with Flexbox: display: flex; is used to create a flex container for the header list, allowing for easy horizontal centering and alignment of items.

  • Responsive Design: @media only screen and (max-width: 600px) {...} defines styles that apply only to screens with a maximum width of 600px, adjusting the width of form inputs and buttons for smaller screens.

  • Styling Elements: Various CSS properties like background-color, color, padding, margin, and border are used to style different elements of the application such as the header, form, task items, buttons, and footer.

  • Box Sizing: box-sizing: border-box; is used to include the padding and border in the element's total width and height, ensuring consistent sizing calculations.

  • Positioning: position: absolute; bottom: 0; is used to position the footer at the bottom of the page, regardless of the content's height.

Accessing the Project

To explore and interact with the project, visit the following link: https://jquery-photos-gallery-zeta.vercel.app/