
Esame Java AFP G.Marconi Rovereto 2021

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT

Exam AFP 2021

Esame Java AFP G.Marconi Rovereto 2021

Start the projects

Go to the src folder and directly execute the Main.java file.


N°1: sepnum

Write a function sepnum that takes a list of strings in the format "word number" and RETURN a hashmap which maps each word to the extracted number.

  • To parse the number, use Integer.parseInt.
public static HashMap<String, Integer> sepnum(List<String> parole){
    // write here

System.out.println(sepnum(List.of("say 72", "tell 6", "shout 583")));
// {tell=6, say=72, shout=583}


{tell=6, say=72, shout=583}

N°2: matriverba

Write a function which given a matrix of characters, RETURN a string with the words extracted from columns, putting in uppercase the first character of each word.

  • USE a StringBuilder
  • For uppercasing, use .toUpperCase().
public static String matriverba(String[][] matrice){
    // write here

String[][] mat = {{"p","c","z","g","b", "d"},
                  {"o","a","a","i","o", "e"},
                  {"r","l","n","a","r", "n"},
                  {"t","m","n","r","s", "t"},
                  {"o","a","a","a","e", "e"},};

System.out.println(matriverba(mat));  // PortoCalmaZannaGiaraBorseDente

N°3: Energy Drink

Nuka-Cola is the flagship product of the Nuka-Cola Corporation and one of the symbols of United States culture of 2044.

You are hired by Nuka-Cola Corporation to develop a software to manage the mixtures. In a confidential report, they tell you there is a simple formula called BasicCola from which they derive all the others for their experiments, in particular the secret ingredient for NukaCola is cesium 137, a radioactive isotope. Not so healthy, but people love it.

Unfortunately, cesium decays over time with mass getting converted into energy (and other isotopes we don't consider), so you are given this formula:

Amount of cesium after:

$n_{year} = cesium * 0.97716^{n}$

Implement a class BasicCola and a class NukaCola which derives from it so that the following code can run:

  • Try minimizing the amount of code you write by properly reusing already implemented methods.
  • For raising powers you can use Math.pow(x,n).
// NOTE: we only pass sugar and caffeine, water is supposed constant = 300 
BasicCola cola = new BasicCola(8.0, 22.0);  

System.out.println("  water weight: " + cola.getWater() + " g"); 
System.out.println("  sugar weight: " + cola.getSugar() + " g"); 
System.out.println("  caffeine weight: " + cola.getCaffeine() + " g"); 

System.out.println("  weight today: " + cola.weight() + " g"); 
System.out.println("  weight after 10 years: " + cola.weight(10) + " g");


NukaCola nuka = new NukaCola(7.0);  // we only pass cesium, sugar=10.0 and caffeine=12.0 are constants

System.out.println("  water weight: " + nuka.getWater() + " g"); 
System.out.println("  sugar weight: " + nuka.getSugar() + " g"); 
System.out.println("  caffeine weight: " + nuka.getCaffeine() + " g"); 

System.out.println("  cesium weight today: " + nuka.getCesium() + " g"); 
System.out.println("  cesium weight after 10 years: " + nuka.cesiumLeft(10) + " g"); 
System.out.println("  weight today: " + nuka.weight() + " g"); 
System.out.println("  weight after 10 years: " + nuka.weight(10) + " g");


  water weight: 300.0 g
  sugar weight: 8.0 g
  caffeine weight: 22.0 g
  weight today: 330.0 g
  weight after 10 years: 330.0 g

  water weight: 300.0 g
  sugar weight: 10.0 g
  caffeine weight: 12.0 g
  cesium weight today: 7.0 g
  cesium weight after 10 years: 5.555905476644116 g
  weight today: 329.0 g
  weight after 10 years: 327.5559054766441 g

N°4: FindJoin

Given a List of words, write a function findJoin which RETURNS the first word which ends with the first 3 characters of the next word. If such a word is not found, RETURN null.

  • Try making it efficient, by terminating the cycle as soon as you find the item
  • DO NOT use break nor continue
  • Useful methods: .endsWith, .startsWith.
  • Bonus: write a check function to automate tests which raises an exception when result doesn't match expected one.
public static String findJoin(List<String> words){
    // write here

findJoin(List.of("ciao","zapapp","appzabb","banza","nzagame")); // zapapp
//findJoin(List.of("ciao","zapapp","zapapp", "zabb"));  // null
//findJoin(List.of());  // null
//findJoin(List.of("ciao"));  // null
//findJoin(List.of("ciao","iaoc"));  // ciao
//findJoin(List.of("ciao","aoc", ""));  // null
//findJoin(List.of("bao","ga", "zu", "zum"));  // null
//findJoin(List.of("bao","ga", "zum", "um"));  // null
//findJoin(List.of("bao","ga", "zum", "zum"));  // zum
//findJoin(List.of("bao","ga", "wzam", "zam"));  // wzam

Folder Structure

The workspace contains two folders by default, where:

  • src: the folder to maintain sources
  • lib: the folder to maintain dependencies

Meanwhile, the compiled output files will be generated in the bin folder by default.

If you want to customize the folder structure, open .vscode/settings.json and update the related settings there.

Dependency Management

The JAVA PROJECTS view allows you to manage your dependencies. More details can be found here.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details