RopGun is a Linux implementation of a transparent ROP mitigation technique based on runtime detection of abnormal control transfers using hardware performance counters.
- 1emvr
- 5up3rcXiamen,China
- ajax4secInstitute of Software Chinese Academy of Sciences
- andreafioraldi@eurecom-s3
- Angelogeb
- blazef104London, England
- borzacchielloRome
- ckuetheLess than 30cm away from where I was a nanosecond ago.
- cristianassaiante
- cryptid11
- dexterTalhaFlutter Developer
- dpstart
- Erreth-Akbe
- gauravssnllocalhost
- hx2900
- iddoeldor
- kailashg26The George Washington University
- LLLLss
- PastNullInfinity
- preetd14Washington DC
- pwmoore
- sferriniUndisclosed
- soras19
- spallas@bancaditalia
- Tirthikas