
Personal scripts

Primary LanguageShell


This repo contains my collection of useful scripts. It currently includes scripts for doing basic Linux server administration and some niceties for development with Xcode.

Ubuntu 20.04


  • Configure remote access for a new VPS running Ubuntu 20.04 and updates basic dependencies.
  • Usage: sudo bash -c "$(curl -sS https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pietrorea/scripts/master/ubuntu/setup.sh)"
  • Top-level description:
    • Sets the hostname based on input from the terminal.
    • Sets up a password-less admin user. Also sets up an admin group for the new admin user.
    • Sets up SSH access for the admin user using a SSH key you type into the terminal. There's a few lines of config here related to AWS Lightsail that might not be relevant to you.
    • Updates Ubuntu deps.

install-wordpress.sh (tested with Wordpress 5.9)

  • Installs Wordpress on a LEMP stack.
  • Usage: sudo bash -c "$(curl -sS https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pietrorea/scripts/master/ubuntu/install-wordpress.sh)"
  • Top-level description:
    • Downloads & installs nginx, mysql, php.
    • Configures nginx to serve Wordpress over HTTP/port 80.
    • Sets up the Wordpress database, the Wordpress admin db user, runs mysql_secure_installation.
    • Downloads and installs the latest version of Wordpress.
    • Sets up wp-config.php with the credentials form previous steps. Requests and saves salts from https://api.wordpress.org/secret-key/1.1/salt/.



  • Runs LetsEncrypt's certbot and requests an SSL certificate using a $HOSTNAME that you pass in.



  • Sets up git repo as the git user. Meant to be run in host after setting up SSH access for an admin user and the a git user.



  • Remove the Derived Data folder.