
Detect malignant lung tumors with a deep learning pipeline using PyTorch

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Deep learning project

Detecting and classifying malignant lung nodules from CT scans using PyTorch

Refer to the project report for the full description of the project.

This project is based on the book Deep Learning with PyTorch by Eli Stevens, Luca Antiga, and Thomas Viehmann.

Section of a CT scan

Section of a CT scan

Sketch of the overall pipeline

Sketch of the overall pipeline

Project tree description

In the project directory you can find:

  • Training_models.ipynb: notebook containing scripts to generate some of the figures in the report and to train/test the models, as well as to plot metrics with TensorBoard.
  • requirements.txt: requirements to create a VirtualEnv environment
  • download_dataset.sh: script to download the datasets (120 GB) from the Internet
  • notes.md: contains some logging messages from the training/testing of the models

The code can be found under the following directories:

  • seg: code to train the segmentation model
  • cls: code to train the nodule-nonnodule classifier and the malignancy classifier
  • util: utility functions (e.g. logging, transformations, augmentation, cache...)

Data can be found/downloaded in the directories:

  • data/part2/luna/: csv files containing annotated data about nodules and CT scans
  • data/part2/models/: Pre-trained models (best models obtained during the trials)
  • data-unversioned/part2/luna/: LUNA dataset (120 GB) which have to be downloaded from Internet
  • data-unversioned/part2/models/: Trained models which have been saved (both best models and checkpoints)

Other directories:

  • runs/: Tensorboard data