sudo apt update \
&& sudo DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt full-upgrade -y \
&& sudo DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt install ansible -y \
&& mkdir -p ~/.gc \
&& cd ~/.gc \
&& git clone \
&& cd ubuntu-installer \
&& ansible-playbook --ask-become-pass --connection=local --inventory, all.yml host.yml
Cups - printer panel accesible from browser http://localhost:631/
- Gammastep - Blue light remover
Gammastep adjusts the color temperature of your screen according to your surroundings. This may help your eyes hurt less if you are working in front of the screen at night. You can add your location to RedShift.
To take yours location use script:
curl -s "" | jq ', .location.lng'
To add yours location to Redshift use this script:
sed -i -e '/lat/s/52.23/FIRST VALUE OF SCRIPT/' ~/.config/gammastep/config.ini
sed -i -e '/lon/s/21.01/SECOND VALUE OF SCRIPT/' ~/.config/gammastep/config.ini
- OpenWeader in Polybar
In right side of polybar is small arrow, after click it an additionall bar shows a few information included a weather. To use it, you need to add OpenWeather API. Create an API key in OpenWeatherMap
sed -i 's/KEY=""/KEY="YOUR_API_KEY_HERE"/g' ~/.config/polybar/scripts/
sudo apt update \
&& sudo DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt full-upgrade -y \
&& sudo DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt install ansible -y \
&& mkdir -p .gc \
&& cd .gc \
&& git clone \
&& cd ubuntu-installer \
&& ansible-playbook --ask-become-pass --connection=local --inventory, all.yml virtualbox.yml
If you not need polish date and time format in system just use this script
sudo sed -i 's/LC_NUMERIC="pl_PL.UTF-8"/#LC_NUMERIC="pl_PL.UTF-8"/g' /etc/default/locale
sudo sed -i 's/LC_TIME="pl_PL.UTF-8"/#LC_TIME="pl_PL.UTF-8"/g' /etc/default/locale
sudo sed -i 's/LC_MONETARY="pl_PL.UTF-8"/#LC_MONETARY="pl_PL.UTF-8"/g' /etc/default/locale
sudo sed -i 's/LC_PAPER="pl_PL.UTF-8"/#LC_PAPER="pl_PL.UTF-8"/g' /etc/default/locale
sudo sed -i 's/LC_NAME="pl_PL.UTF-8"/#LC_NAME="pl_PL.UTF-8"/g' /etc/default/locale
sudo sed -i 's/LC_ADDRESS="pl_PL.UTF-8"/#LC_ADDRESS="pl_PL.UTF-8"/g' /etc/default/locale
sudo sed -i 's/LC_TELEPHONE="pl_PL.UTF-8"/#LC_TELEPHONE="pl_PL.UTF-8"/g' /etc/default/locale
sudo sed -i 's/LC_MEASUREMENT="pl_PL.UTF-8"/#LC_MEASUREMENT="pl_PL.UTF-8"/g' /etc/default/locale
sudo sed -i 's/LC_IDENTIFICATION="pl_PL.UTF-8"/#LC_IDENTIFICATION="pl_PL.UTF-8"/g' /etc/default/locale